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      What is Truthy and Falsy? How is it different from True and False?(什么是真假?它与真假有什么不同?)

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                I just learned there are truthy and falsy values in python which are different from the normal True and False.

                Can someone please explain in depth what truthy and falsy values are? Where should I use them? What is the difference between truthy and True values and falsy and False values?


                As the comments described, it just refers to values which are evaluated to True or False.

                For instance, to see if a list is not empty, instead of checking like this:

                if len(my_list) != 0:
                   print("Not empty!")

                You can simply do this:

                if my_list:
                   print("Not empty!")

                This is because some values, such as empty lists, are considered False when evaluated for a boolean value. Non-empty lists are True.

                Similarly for the integer 0, the empty string "", and so on, for False, and non-zero integers, non-empty strings, and so on, for True.

                The idea of terms like "truthy" and "falsy" simply refer to those values which are considered True in cases like those described above, and those which are considered False.

                For example, an empty list ([]) is considered "falsy", and a non-empty list (for example, [1]) is considered "truthy".

                See also this section of the documentation.




                Split a Pandas column of lists into multiple columns(将 Pandas 的列表列拆分为多列)
                How does the @property decorator work in Python?(@property 装饰器在 Python 中是如何工作的?)
                What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python?(Python中的旧样式类和新样式类有什么区别?)
                How to break out of multiple loops?(如何打破多个循环?)
                How to put the legend out of the plot(如何将传说从情节中剔除)
                Why is the output of my function printing out quot;Nonequot;?(为什么我的函数输出打印出“无?)

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