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        Oracle PL/SQL UTL_FILE.PUT 缓冲

        Oracle PL/SQL UTL_FILE.PUT buffering(Oracle PL/SQL UTL_FILE.PUT 缓冲)
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                  本文介绍了Oracle PL/SQL UTL_FILE.PUT 缓冲的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在从 Oracle 存储过程中写入一个大于 7MB 的大文件,并且要求在每条记录的末尾没有行终止字符(没有回车/换行).

                  I'm writing a large file > 7MB from an Oracle stored procedure and the requirements are to have no line termination characters (no carriage return/line feed) at the end of each record.

                  我已经使用 UTL_FILE.PUT 编写了一个存储过程,并且我正在使用 UTL_FILE.FFLUSH 跟踪对 UTL_FILE.PUT 的每次调用.尽管我正在进行 FFLUSH 调用,但一旦我达到写入超过缓冲区大小(设置为最大 32767)的程度,此过程就会出现写入错误.如果我用 PUT_LINE 调用替换 PUT 调用,该过程工作正常.

                  I've written a stored procedure using UTL_FILE.PUT and I'm following each call to UTL_FILE.PUT with a UTL_FILE.FFLUSH. This procedure errors with a write error once I get to the point where I've written more than the buffer size (set to max 32767) although I'm making the FFLUSH calls. The procedure works fine if I replace the PUT calls with PUT_LINE calls.


                  Is it not possible to write more than the buffer size without a newline character? If so, is there a work around?


                  已删除文档中的引用,请参阅 Ollie 的回答

                  另一种可能的方法是使用 Java 存储过程,您可以在其中使用功能更全面的 Java API 来创建和写入文件.

                  Another possible way to do this is a Java stored procedure, where you can use the more full-featured Java API for creating and writing to files.

                  这篇关于Oracle PL/SQL UTL_FILE.PUT 缓冲的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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