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      1. SQL 返回两个传入日期之间的工作日数

        SQL to return the number of working days between 2 passed in dates(SQL 返回两个传入日期之间的工作日数)

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                  本文介绍了SQL 返回两个传入日期之间的工作日数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我需要编写一个 sql 查询,返回两个给定日期之间的工作日(周一至周五)数.

                  I need to write an sql query that returns the number of Working days (Monday - Friday) between two given dates.


                  I was wondering what would be the most efficient way to do this?

                  SELECT           --Start with total number of days including weekends             
                  (DATEDIFF(dd,@StartDate,@EndDate)+1) --Subtact 2 days for each full weekend 
                  (DATEDIFF(wk,@StartDate,@EndDate)*2) --If StartDate is a Sunday, Subtract 1          
                  ELSE 0               END)            --If EndDate is a Saturday, Subtract 1 
                  FROM dual


                  Then it would also be helpful to be able to remove holidays from this count such as christmas day and boxing day.




                  an easy way to calculate to number of weekdays between 2 dates is :

                      DECODE(TO_CHAR(date2,'D'),7,1,0))*24 as WorkDays
                  ORDER BY date1,date2

                  这篇关于SQL 返回两个传入日期之间的工作日数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How do I split flat file data and load into parent-child tables in database?(如何拆分平面文件数据并加载到数据库中的父子表中?)
                  How to import CSV into sqlite using RSqlite?(如何使用 RSqlite 将 CSV 导入 sqlite?)
                  Import CSV to Update rows in table(导入 CSV 以更新表中的行)
                  Importing MaxMind#39;s GeoLite2 to MySQL(将 MaxMind 的 GeoLite2 导入 MySQL)
                  Import / Export database with SQL Server Server Management Studio(使用 SQL Server Server Management Studio 导入/导出数据库)
                  How do you import a large MS SQL .sql file?(如何导入大型 MS SQL .sql 文件?)

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