如何在 C# 中通过 LDAPS 连接到 Active Directory?

How to connect to Active Directory via LDAPS in C#?(如何在 C# 中通过 LDAPS 连接到 Active Directory?)


Finding Active Directory users from 2 OU(从 2 个 OU 中查找 Active Directory 用户)
How to set a binary attribute when using a AccountManagement Extension Class?(使用 AccountManagement 扩展类时如何设置二进制属性?)
Getting last Logon Time on Computers in Active Directory(在 Active Directory 中的计算机上获取上次登录时间)
Active Directory - Roles of a user(Active Directory - 用户的角色)
Why is DirectorySearcher so slow when compared to PrincipalSearcher?(与 PrincipalSearcher 相比,为什么 DirectorySearcher 如此缓慢?)
List of users in specific Active Directory Distribution Group(特定 Active Directory 通讯组中的用户列表)