C#:将 null 传递给重载方法 - 调用哪个方法?

C#: Passing null to overloaded method - which method is called?(C#:将 null 传递给重载方法 - 调用哪个方法?)
本文介绍了C#:将 null 传递给重载方法 - 调用哪个方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


假设我有两个重载版本的 C# 方法:

Say I have two overloaded versions of a C# method:

void Method( TypeA a ) { }
void Method( TypeB b ) { }


Method( null );


Which overload of the method is called? What can I do to ensure that a particular overload is called?



  • 如果其中一个适用(例如,没有从 nullTypeB 的转换,因为它是一个值类型,但 TypeA 是一个引用类型),然后将调用适用的类型.
  • 否则取决于TypeATypeB之间的关系.
    • 如果存在从 TypeATypeB 的隐式转换,但没有从 TypeBTypeA 的隐式转换,则将使用使用 TypeA 的重载.
    • 如果存在从 TypeBTypeA 的隐式转换,但没有从 TypeATypeB 的隐式转换,则将使用使用 TypeB 的重载.
    • 否则,调用是不明确的,将无法编译.
    • If exactly one of them is applicable (e.g. there is no conversion from null to TypeB because it's a value type but TypeA is a reference type) then the call will be made to the applicable one.
    • Otherwise it depends on the relationship between TypeA and TypeB.
      • If there is an implicit conversion from TypeA to TypeB but no implicit conversion from TypeB to TypeA then the overload using TypeA will be used.
      • If there is an implicit conversion from TypeB to TypeA but no implicit conversion from TypeA to TypeB then the overload using TypeB will be used.
      • Otherwise, the call is ambiguous and will fail to compile.

      有关详细规则,请参阅 C# 3.0 规范的第 节.

      See section of the C# 3.0 spec for the detailed rules.

      这是一个没有歧义的例子.这里TypeB 派生自TypeA,这意味着从TypeBTypeA 的隐式转换,但反之则不然.因此使用了使用 TypeB 的重载:

      Here's an example of it not being ambiguous. Here TypeB derives from TypeA, which means there's an implicit conversion from TypeB to TypeA, but not vice versa. Thus the overload using TypeB is used:

      using System;
      class TypeA {}
      class TypeB : TypeA {}
      class Program
          static void Foo(TypeA x)
          static void Foo(TypeB x)
          static void Main()
              Foo(null); // Prints Foo(TypeB)


      In general, even in the face of an otherwise-ambiguous call, to ensure that a particular overload is used, just cast:

      Foo((TypeA) null);

      Foo((TypeB) null);


      Note that if this involves inheritance in the declaring classes (i.e. one class is overloading a method declared by its base class) you're into a whole other problem, and you need to cast the target of the method rather than the argument.

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