C# 使用不同的用户凭据访问活动目录

C# accessing active directory with different user credentials(C# 使用不同的用户凭据访问活动目录)
本文介绍了C# 使用不同的用户凭据访问活动目录的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



There is a new user creation application that we have just provided our users. However these users need the ability to creation users through the application even though they themselves do not have permission to create users.

在 C# 中,您如何模拟其他用户以获得此功能.此应用程序主要使用 System.DirectoryServices.

In C# how do you impersonate another user in order to have this functionality. This application primary using System.DirectoryServices.


DirectoryEntry dEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=");
DirectorySearcher dSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(dEntry);
//filter just user objects
dSearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
dSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(mail=" + excel_Holding_Table.Rows[i]["EmailAddress"].ToString() + "))";
dSearcher.PageSize = 1000;
sResults = dSearcher.FindAll();


您可以使用 DirectoryEntry 类直接指定用户名和密码:

You can use the DirectoryEntry class directly and specify the username and password:

DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(path);

de.Username = "username";
de.Password = "password";

并从 de 对象访问 Active Directory.或者您可以使用 WindowsIdentity 类并模拟用户:

And access Active Directory from the de object. Or you can use the WindowsIdentity class and and impersonate a User:

WindowsIdentity newId = new WindowsIdentity(safeTokenHandle.DangerousGetHandle());
WindowsImpersonationContext impersonatedUser = newId.Impersonate();



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