为什么 C# 要求您每次触发事件时都编写空检查?

Why does C# require you to write a null check every time you fire an event?(为什么 C# 要求您每次触发事件时都编写空检查?)
本文介绍了为什么 C# 要求您每次触发事件时都编写空检查?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


这对我来说似乎很奇怪——VB.NET 通过它的 RaiseEvent 关键字隐式地处理空检查.它似乎大大增加了围绕事件的样板数量,我看不出它提供了什么好处.

This seems odd to me -- VB.NET handles the null check implicitly via its RaiseEvent keyword. It seems to raise the amount of boilerplate around events considerably and I don't see what benefit it provides.


I'm sure the language designers had a good reason to do this.. but I'm curious if anyone knows why.



当您编写访问类中类似字段的事件的代码时,您实际上是在访问该字段本身(以 C# 4 中的一些更改为模;我们暂时不去那里).

When you write code which accesses a field-like event within a class, you're actually accessing the field itself (modulo a few changes in C# 4; let's not go there for the moment).


  • 特殊情况下的类似字段的事件调用,以便它们实际上并不直接引用该字段,而是添加了一个包装器
  • 以不同的方式处理所有委托调用,例如:

Action<string> x = null;



Of course, for non-void delegates (and events) both options raise a problem:

Func<int> x = null;
int y = x();

应该默默地返回0吗?(int 的默认值.)或者它实际上掩盖了一个错误(更有可能).让它默默地忽略您试图调用空委托的事实会有些不一致.在这种情况下会更奇怪,它不使用 C# 的语法糖:

Should that silently return 0? (The default value of an int.) Or is it actually masking a bug (more likely). It would be somewhat inconsistent to make it silently ignore the fact that you're trying to invoke a null delegate. It would be even odder in this case, which doesn't use C#'s syntactic sugar:

Func<int> x = null;
int y = x.Invoke();


Basically things become tricky and inconsistent with the rest of the language almost whatever you do. I don't like it either, but I'm not sure what a practical but consistent solution might be...

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