Nullable<T>.HasValue 或 Nullable<T> 之间有什么区别?!= 空?

What is the difference between Nullablelt;Tgt;.HasValue or Nullablelt;Tgt; != null?(NullableT.HasValue 或 NullableT 之间有什么区别?!= 空?)
本文介绍了Nullable<T>.HasValue 或 Nullable<T> 之间有什么区别?!= 空?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我总是使用 Nullable<>.HasValue 因为我喜欢它的语义.但是,最近我正在研究其他人的现有代码库,他们使用了 Nullable<>!= null 专门代替.

I always used Nullable<>.HasValue because I liked the semantics. However, recently I was working on someone else's existing codebase where they used Nullable<> != null exclusively instead.


Is there a reason to use one over the other, or is it purely preference?

int? a;
if (a.HasValue)
    // ...


int? b;
if (b != null)
    // ...


编译器用对 HasValue 的调用替换了空比较,所以没有真正的区别.只做对你和你的同事更易读/更有意义的事情.

The compiler replaces null comparisons with a call to HasValue, so there is no real difference. Just do whichever is more readable/makes more sense to you and your colleagues.

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