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        What does `*amp;` in a function declaration mean?(函数声明中的“*amp;是什么意思?)
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                  void myFunc(myStruct *&out) {out = 新的 myStruct;out->field1 = 1;out->field2 = 2;}


                  myStruct *data;myFunc(数据);

                  这将填充data中的所有字段.如果我在声明中省略了 '&',这将不起作用.(或者更确切地说,它只会在函数中本地工作,但不会改变调用者的任何内容)



                  The &C++ 变量声明中的符号表示它是一个引用.>


                  所以,重申一下,这里的操作符号"不是 *&,这种组合本身并不意味着很多.*myStruct * 类型的一部分,即指向 myStruct 的指针",而 & 使得它是一个引用,因此您可以将其读作out 是对指向 myStruct 的指针的引用".


                  void myFunc(myStruct * &out)


                  void myFunc(myStruct* &out)


                  I wrote a function along the lines of this:

                  void myFunc(myStruct *&out) {
                      out = new myStruct;
                      out->field1 = 1;
                      out->field2 = 2;

                  Now in a calling function, I might write something like this:

                  myStruct *data;

                  which will fill all the fields in data. If I omit the '&' in the declaration, this will not work. (Or rather, it will work only locally in the function but won't change anything in the caller)

                  Could someone explain to me what this '*&' actually does? It looks weird and I just can't make much sense of it.


                  The & symbol in a C++ variable declaration means it's a reference.

                  It happens to be a reference to a pointer, which explains the semantics you're seeing; the called function can change the pointer in the calling context, since it has a reference to it.

                  So, to reiterate, the "operative symbol" here is not *&, that combination in itself doesn't mean a whole lot. The * is part of the type myStruct *, i.e. "pointer to myStruct", and the & makes it a reference, so you'd read it as "out is a reference to a pointer to myStruct".

                  The original programmer could have helped, in my opinion, by writing it as:

                  void myFunc(myStruct * &out)

                  or even (not my personal style, but of course still valid):

                  void myFunc(myStruct* &out)

                  Of course, there are many other opinions about style. :)




                  C++ stl unordered_map implementation, reference validity(C++ stl unordered_map 实现,参考有效性)
                  C++: Is it possible to use a reference as the value in a map?(C++:是否可以使用引用作为映射中的值?)
                  Where ampersand quot;amp;quot; can be put when passing argument by reference?(其中符号“amp;通过引用传递参数时可以放置吗?)
                  Why can a non-const reference parameter be bound to a temporary object?(为什么可以将非常量引用参数绑定到临时对象?)
                  What is a dangling reference?(什么是悬空引用?)
                  C++ reference changes when push_back new element to std::vector(当 push_back 新元素到 std::vector 时,C++ 引用发生变化)
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