
css3 :hover wont work after animation(css3:动画后悬停不起作用)
Hover state is sticky after element is moved out from under the mouse (in all browsers)(元素从鼠标下方移出后,悬停状态为粘性(在所有浏览器中))
How to set element#39;s :hover state in Chrome dev tools and edit child#39;s style(如何在 Chrome 开发工具中设置元素的:悬停状态并编辑孩子的样式)
Last option in Drop-down is not getting hover effect in Google Chrome 32.0.1700.76 m(下拉菜单中的最后一个选项在 Google Chrome 32.0.1700.76 m 中没有获得悬停效果)
Cascading lt;ligt;-hover effect using CSS(使用 CSS 级联 lt;ligt;-hover 效果)
CSS Background image size transition(CSS 背景图片大小转换)
Extjs 4 Grid hover effect(Extjs 4 网格悬停效果)
jQuery: Animate (fade) background-color or image in div when hover a link?(jQuery:悬停链接时在div中动画(淡化)背景颜色或图像?)
CSS Sprites showing broken image icon over image, but hover still works(CSS Sprites 在图像上显示损坏的图像图标,但悬停仍然有效)
Hover in IE not working when hovering over full div(将鼠标悬停在完整的 div 上时,在 IE 中悬停不起作用)
On hover show DIV flicker(悬停显示 DIV 闪烁)
Is that possible to change multiple elements appearance on hover without Javascript, based on class name?(是否可以根据类名在没有 Javascript 的情况下更改悬停时的多个元素外观?)