1. <i id='aORLe'><tr id='aORLe'><dt id='aORLe'><q id='aORLe'><span id='aORLe'><b id='aORLe'><form id='aORLe'><ins id='aORLe'></ins><ul id='aORLe'></ul><sub id='aORLe'></sub></form><legend id='aORLe'></legend><bdo id='aORLe'><pre id='aORLe'><center id='aORLe'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='aORLe'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='aORLe'><tfoot id='aORLe'></tfoot><dl id='aORLe'><fieldset id='aORLe'></fieldset></dl></div>

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      1. <legend id='aORLe'><style id='aORLe'><dir id='aORLe'><q id='aORLe'></q></dir></style></legend>
        <tfoot id='aORLe'></tfoot>

        CSS :hover 仅在鼠标移动时有效

        CSS :hover works only when mouse moves(CSS :hover 仅在鼠标移动时有效)
      2. <tfoot id='Yt112'></tfoot>

        • <legend id='Yt112'><style id='Yt112'><dir id='Yt112'><q id='Yt112'></q></dir></style></legend>
        • <small id='Yt112'></small><noframes id='Yt112'>

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                <tbody id='Yt112'></tbody>
                1. 本文介绍了CSS :hover 仅在鼠标移动时有效的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I created a very basic sample:


                  <div id="bla"></div>


                  #bla {

                  如您所见,它是一个最初隐藏的 DIV,当鼠标悬停在它上面时会改变颜色.

                  As you can see it's a DIV that is initially hidden and changes color when mouse hovers over it.

                  此 JavaScript 在 2 秒后将其取消隐藏

                  This JavaScript unhides it after 2 seconds

                  setTimeout(function() {

                  但是,如果您将鼠标放在 DIV 即将出现的位置上 - 当它出现时 - 它会以未悬停状态出现.只有当您实际移动鼠标时才会发生悬停效果.

                  But if you place your mouse over location where the DIV is about to appear - when it appears - it appears in unhovered state. Only when you actually move the mouse - hover effect takes place.


                  Here's a demo. Run it and immediately place mouse over result pane.

                  这是设计使然吗?有没有办法(最好不使用 JS)来检测 DIV 悬停?

                  Is this by design? Is there a way (without JS preferable) to detect that DIV is hovered?


                  虽然你可以使用 opacity,@BrianPhillips 提到,但它在 IE 8 中不起作用.我不知道纯 CSS 解决方案,但这里有一个足够简洁的 Javascript 解决方法:

                  While you can use opacity, @BrianPhillips mentioned, it doesn't work in IE 8. I don't know of a pure CSS solution, but here's a concise enough Javascript workaround:

                      ev = event || window.event;
                      if (event.pageX <= 400 && event.pageY <= 400){
                          document.getElementById('bla').style.backgroundColor= "red";
                      } else {
                          document.getElementById('bla').style.backgroundColor= "green";
                  setTimeout(function() {


                  这篇关于CSS :hover 仅在鼠标移动时有效的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Move link image 5px up on hover(悬停时将链接图像向上移动 5px)
                  How do I inspect CSS pseudo classes with firebug?(如何使用 firebug 检查 CSS 伪类?)
                  Why doesn#39;t CSS hover work on table rows when the cells inside the rows have class names?(当行内的单元格具有类名时,为什么 CSS 悬停在表格行上不起作用?)
                  Hover image - display div over it(悬停图像 - 在其上显示 div)
                  How to apply a CSS class on hover to dynamically generated submit buttons?(如何在悬停时将 CSS 类应用于动态生成的提交按钮?)
                  Differences between CSS3 :hover and :focus?(CSS3 :hover 和 :focus 的区别?)
                  • <small id='pA8fy'></small><noframes id='pA8fy'>

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                        1. <i id='pA8fy'><tr id='pA8fy'><dt id='pA8fy'><q id='pA8fy'><span id='pA8fy'><b id='pA8fy'><form id='pA8fy'><ins id='pA8fy'></ins><ul id='pA8fy'></ul><sub id='pA8fy'></sub></form><legend id='pA8fy'></legend><bdo id='pA8fy'><pre id='pA8fy'><center id='pA8fy'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='pA8fy'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='pA8fy'><tfoot id='pA8fy'></tfoot><dl id='pA8fy'><fieldset id='pA8fy'></fieldset></dl></div>

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