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      1. <i id='lJUak'><tr id='lJUak'><dt id='lJUak'><q id='lJUak'><span id='lJUak'><b id='lJUak'><form id='lJUak'><ins id='lJUak'></ins><ul id='lJUak'></ul><sub id='lJUak'></sub></form><legend id='lJUak'></legend><bdo id='lJUak'><pre id='lJUak'><center id='lJUak'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='lJUak'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='lJUak'><tfoot id='lJUak'></tfoot><dl id='lJUak'><fieldset id='lJUak'></fieldset></dl></div>

        <small id='lJUak'></small><noframes id='lJUak'>

        Chart.js 2.0 使用货币和千位分隔符格式化 Y 轴

        Chart.js 2.0 Formatting Y Axis with Currency and Thousands Separator(Chart.js 2.0 使用货币和千位分隔符格式化 Y 轴)
          <bdo id='eUKC1'></bdo><ul id='eUKC1'></ul>

          • <i id='eUKC1'><tr id='eUKC1'><dt id='eUKC1'><q id='eUKC1'><span id='eUKC1'><b id='eUKC1'><form id='eUKC1'><ins id='eUKC1'></ins><ul id='eUKC1'></ul><sub id='eUKC1'></sub></form><legend id='eUKC1'></legend><bdo id='eUKC1'><pre id='eUKC1'><center id='eUKC1'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='eUKC1'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='eUKC1'><tfoot id='eUKC1'></tfoot><dl id='eUKC1'><fieldset id='eUKC1'></fieldset></dl></div>

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            1. <legend id='eUKC1'><style id='eUKC1'><dir id='eUKC1'><q id='eUKC1'></q></dir></style></legend>
                <tbody id='eUKC1'></tbody>

            2. <tfoot id='eUKC1'></tfoot>
                  本文介绍了Chart.js 2.0 使用货币和千位分隔符格式化 Y 轴的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在格式化图表轴时遇到问题,我找不到更新版本 2.0 的示例.

                  I am having problems with formatting my chart axis and I am not able to find an example for the updated version 2.0.

                  我怎样才能(例如)赚到 2000000 到 2.000.000 欧元?

                  How can I (for example) make 2000000 to 2.000.000?


                  window.onload = function() {
                      var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
                      window.myBar = new Chart(ctx, {
                          type: 'bar',
                          data: barChartData,
                          options: {
                              title: {
                              legend: {
                                  position: "bottom"
                              tooltips: {
                                  mode: 'label',
                                  bodySpacing: 10,
                                  cornerRadius: 0,
                                  titleMarginBottom: 15
                              scales: {
                                  xAxes: [{
                                      ticks: {}
                                  yAxes: [{
                                      ticks: {
                                          beginAtZero: true,
                                          stepSize: 500000
                              responsive: true



                  在创建配置对象时将函数分配给 userCallback.创建刻度线时会调用它.您可以在 Scales 文档底部的 Chart.js


                  yAxes: [{
                      ticks: {
                          beginAtZero: true,
                          stepSize: 500000,
                          // Return an empty string to draw the tick line but hide the tick label
                          // Return `null` or `undefined` to hide the tick line entirely
                          userCallback: function(value, index, values) {
                              // Convert the number to a string and splite the string every 3 charaters from the end
                              value = value.toString();
                              value = value.split(/(?=(?:...)*$)/);
                              // Convert the array to a string and format the output
                              value = value.join('.');
                              return '' + value;

                  这篇关于Chart.js 2.0 使用货币和千位分隔符格式化 Y 轴的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  ChartJS Version 3 - common legend for multiple line charts(ChartJS 版本 3 - 多个折线图的常用图例)
                  Charts.js scales yaxes ticks min max doesnt work(Charts.js 缩放 yaxes 刻度 min max 不起作用)
                  How to expand the slice of donut chart in chartjs?(如何在chartjs中扩展圆环图的切片?)
                  Chart.js yAxes Ticks stepSize not working (fiddle)(Chart.js yAxes Ticks stepSize 不起作用(小提琴))
                  Rounded corners on chartJS v.2 - bar charts (with negative values)(chartJS v.2 上的圆角 - 条形图(带负值))
                  How to hide value in Chart JS bar(如何在 Chart JS 栏中隐藏值)

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                          <i id='Z7lwW'><tr id='Z7lwW'><dt id='Z7lwW'><q id='Z7lwW'><span id='Z7lwW'><b id='Z7lwW'><form id='Z7lwW'><ins id='Z7lwW'></ins><ul id='Z7lwW'></ul><sub id='Z7lwW'></sub></form><legend id='Z7lwW'></legend><bdo id='Z7lwW'><pre id='Z7lwW'><center id='Z7lwW'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='Z7lwW'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='Z7lwW'><tfoot id='Z7lwW'></tfoot><dl id='Z7lwW'><fieldset id='Z7lwW'></fieldset></dl></div>
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