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      1. 在python中的另一个文件中查找一个文本文件的条目

        Find entries of one text file in another file in python(在python中的另一个文件中查找一个文本文件的条目)
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                  我有两个文件.文件 A 的每一行都有一些条目,我需要查找文件 B 中是否有任何条目.这是我的脚本(使用两个函数):

                  I have two files. File A has some entries in each line and I need to find if any entry is found in File B. Here is my script (using two functions):

                  def readB(x):
                   with open('B.txt') as resultFile:
                      for line in resultFile:
                          if x in line:
                              print x
                  def readA():
                   with open('A.txt') as bondNumberFile:
                      for line in bondNumberFile:


                  This script finds the first entry in second file and then does not finds the next one. What might be wrong here?

                  文件 A 如下所示:


                  文件 B 看起来像这样:

                  and File B looks like this:

                  696798  727832  750478  784201  812549  838916  870906  890988  921020  
                  697506  727874  751037  784955  813096  838978  872494  891368  921789  
                  696798  727832  750478  784201  812549  838916  870906  890988  921020  
                  697506  727874  751037  784955  813096  838978  872494  891368  921789  



                  Python 在您读取行时包含换行符 - 您的第一个条目被读取为 1223232 .去掉换行符就可以了.

                  Strip the entries of newlines

                  Python includes newlines when you read lines - your first entry is read as 1223232 . Strip the newline and it will work.

                  def readA():
                      with open('A.txt') as bondNumberFile:
                          for line in bondNumberFile:




                  What happens when you compare 2 pandas Series(当你比较 2 个 pandas 系列时会发生什么)
                  Quickly find differences between two large text files(快速查找两个大文本文件之间的差异)
                  Python - Compare 2 files and output differences(Python - 比较 2 个文件和输出差异)
                  Why do comparisions between very large float values fail in python?(为什么在 python 中非常大的浮点值之间的比较会失败?)
                  Dictionary merge by updating but not overwriting if value exists(字典通过更新合并,但如果值存在则不覆盖)
                  removing an instance of an object in python list(删除python列表中的对象实例)

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