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      1. statsmodels汇总到乳胶

        statsmodels summary to latex(statsmodels汇总到乳胶)
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                • 本文介绍了statsmodels汇总到乳胶的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我是 latex 新手,我想将 statsmodels(python-package) 摘要导入到我的乳胶报告.我发现可以使用以下方法将摘要转换为乳胶表格:latex_as_tabular.到目前为止,一切正常.现在我必须存储表格,但我不太明白它是如何工作的.

                  I'm a newbie to latex and I want to import a statsmodels(python-package) summary to my report in latex. I found that it's possible to transform a summary into a latex tabular with the following method: latex_as_tabular. Until now everything is working. Now I have to store the tabular, but I don't really understand how this works.


                  I suppose I have to use the following commands:

                  model=sm.OLS(y_values, x_values)
                  with open('c:/temp/temp.tex','w') as fh:
                      fh.write( tbl.as_latex_tabular() )

                  此代码直到现在才起作用.大多数情况下,控制台都会给出错误:tex-file does not exist or not allowed in this map.我真的不明白我必须在这里做什么.有人可以帮我吗?

                  this code doesn't work until now. most of the times the console gives the error: tex-file doesn't exists or not permitted in this map. I don't really understand what I have to do here. Could someone please help me with this ?


                  这好像是个误会.您可以通过 summary.as_latex() 或通过调用 table.as_latex_tabular().

                  That seems to be a misunderstanding. You can either convert a whole summary into latex via summary.as_latex() or convert its tables one by one by calling table.as_latex_tabular() for each table.

                  以下示例代码取自 statsmodels 文档.请注意,您不能在 summary 对象上调用 as_latex_tabular.

                  The following example code is taken from statsmodels documentation. Note that you cannot call as_latex_tabular on a summary object.

                  import numpy as np
                  import statsmodels.api as sm
                  nsample = 100
                  x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
                  X = np.column_stack((x, x**2))
                  beta = np.array([1, 0.1, 10])
                  e = np.random.normal(size=nsample)
                  X = sm.add_constant(X)
                  y = np.dot(X, beta) + e
                  model = sm.OLS(y, X)
                  results = model.fit()
                  # do either
                  # alternatively
                  for table in results.summary().tables:




                  Running .jl file from R or Python(从 R 或 Python 运行 .jl 文件)
                  Running Julia .jl file in python(在 python 中运行 Julia .jl 文件)
                  Using PIP in a Azure WebApp(在 Azure WebApp 中使用 PIP)
                  How to run python3.7 based flask web api on azure(如何在 azure 上运行基于 python3.7 的烧瓶 web api)
                  Azure Python Web App Internal Server Error(Azure Python Web 应用程序内部服务器错误)
                  Run python dlib library on azure app service(在 azure app 服务上运行 python dlib 库)
                  • <bdo id='P9yxB'></bdo><ul id='P9yxB'></ul>

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