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        使用 python 数据集访问和关闭 postgres 数据库的最佳方法

        Best way to access and close a postgres database using python dataset(使用 python 数据集访问和关闭 postgres 数据库的最佳方法)
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                  本文介绍了使用 python 数据集访问和关闭 postgres 数据库的最佳方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  import dataset    
                  from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
                  db = dataset.connect(path_database, engine_kwargs={'poolclass': NullPool})
                  table_f1 = db['name_table']
                  # Do operations on table_f1

                  我使用这段代码来访问一个 postgres 数据库并且有时会写入它.最后,我关闭它.上面的代码是访问和关闭它的最佳方式吗?或者,下面的代码更好吗?

                  I use this code to access a postgres database and sometimes write to it. Finally, I close it. Is the above code the best way to access and close it? Alternatively, is the code below better?

                  import dataset    
                  from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
                  with dataset.connect(path_database, engine_kwargs={'poolclass': NullPool}) as db:
                      table_f1 = db['name_table']
                      # Do operations on table_f1

                  特别是,我希望 100% 确保在完成这段代码后不会连接到 postgres 数据库.实现它的更好方法是什么?选项 1 还是选项 2?

                  In particular, I want to make 100% sure that there is no connection to the postgres database once this piece of code is done. Which is the better way to achieve it? option 1 or option 2?


                  目前,主要问题是选项 2 中使用的上下文管理器(with 语句)没有处理连接,只有 事务(提交/回滚块的末尾).

                  For now, the main issue is that the context manager used in Option 2 (with statement) doesn't handle the connection, only the transaction (commit/rollback at the end of the block).

                  (这个问题已经报告给Github repo,也许这个行为会改变?)

                  (This question is already reported to the Github repo, maybe the behavior will change ?)

                  所以你应该在选项 2 中将 db.commit() 替换为 db.executable.close():

                  So you should replace db.commit() by db.executable.close() in Option 2:

                  import dataset    
                  from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
                  with dataset.connect(path_database, engine_kwargs={'poolclass': NullPool}) as db:
                      table_f1 = db['name_table']
                      print(db.local.conn.closed) # >>>False
                      # Do operations on table_f1
                      # end of the context manager, trying to commit 
                  print(db.local.conn.closed) # >>>True


                  # db['name_table'].all() ==> throws an error due to closed connection


                  BUT... you can still create new tables in the database (because of Metadata ?) :

                  # db['new_table'] ==> enough to add a new table 

                  因此,您可能希望销毁所有内容以防止这种情况发生(db = Nonedb.metadata = None)

                  So you may want to destroy everything to prevent this (db = None, or db.metadata = None)

                  最后一个行为也发生在 SQLAlchemy 中:

                  This last behavior happens in SQLAlchemy too:

                  from sqlalchemy import *
                  from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
                  engine = create_engine('postgresql:///datatest', poolclass=NullPool) 
                  connection = engine.connect()
                  meta = MetaData(engine)
                  t1 = Table('Table_1', meta,
                             Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                  t2 = Table('Table_2', meta,
                             Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                  # table_2 is created in database

                  (感谢 Ilja Everil 的评论,以及对 的关注文档)

                  (thanks to Ilja Everil's comment, and a focus on the doc)

                  最好调用 meta = MetaData(connection) 以便在引擎处理时关闭连接,这将在上面的示例中引发错误,连接已关闭.

                  Better call meta = MetaData(connection) in order to close the connection at the engine disposal, this will raise an error in the above example, connection IS closed.

                  这篇关于使用 python 数据集访问和关闭 postgres 数据库的最佳方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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