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        在 Python 中以列表(循环方式)迭代对

        Iterate over pairs in a list (circular fashion) in Python(在 Python 中以列表(循环方式)迭代对)
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                  本文介绍了在 Python 中以列表(循环方式)迭代对的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  The problem is easy, I want to iterate over each element of the list and the next one in pairs (wrapping the last one with the first).


                  I've thought about two unpythonic ways of doing it:

                  def pairs(lst):
                      n = len(lst)
                      for i in range(n):
                          yield lst[i],lst[(i+1)%n]


                  def pairs(lst):
                      return zip(lst,lst[1:]+[lst[:1]])


                  >>> for i in pairs(range(10)):
                      print i
                  (0, 1)
                  (1, 2)
                  (2, 3)
                  (3, 4)
                  (4, 5)
                  (5, 6)
                  (6, 7)
                  (7, 8)
                  (8, 9)
                  (9, 0)

                  有什么关于更 Pythonic 的方法的建议吗?也许有一个我没有听说过的预定义函数?

                  any suggestions about a more pythonic way of doing this? maybe there is a predefined function out there I haven't heard about?

                  还有一个更通用的 n-fold(使用三重奏、四重奏等,而不是对)版本可能会很有趣.

                  also a more general n-fold (with triplets, quartets, etc. instead of pairs) version could be interesting.


                  我自己编写了元组通用版本,我喜欢第一个,因为它优雅简洁,我越看越觉得 Pythonic我......毕竟,有什么比一个带有 zip、星号参数扩展、列表推导、列表切片、列表连接和范围"的单行更 Pythonic 的?

                  I've coded myself the tuple general versions, I like the first one for it's ellegant simplicity, the more I look at it, the more Pythonic it feels to me... after all, what is more Pythonic than a one liner with zip, asterisk argument expansion, list comprehensions, list slicing, list concatenation and "range"?

                  def ntuples(lst, n):
                      return zip(*[lst[i:]+lst[:i] for i in range(n)])

                  即使对于大型列表,itertools 版本也应该足够高效...

                  The itertools version should be efficient enough even for large lists...

                  from itertools import *
                  def ntuples(lst, n):
                      return izip(*[chain(islice(lst,i,None), islice(lst,None,i)) for i in range(n)])


                  And a version for non-indexable sequences:

                  from itertools import *
                  def ntuples(seq, n):
                      iseq = iter(seq)
                      curr = head = tuple(islice(iseq, n))
                      for x in chain(iseq, head):
                          yield curr
                          curr = curr[1:] + (x,)


                  Anyway, thanks everybody for your suggestions! :-)

                  这篇关于在 Python 中以列表(循环方式)迭代对的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Initialize list with same bool value(使用相同的布尔值初始化列表)
                  Python - Initializing Multiple Lists/Line(Python - 初始化多个列表/行)
                  Python: Why quot;returnquot; won#180;t print out all list elements in a simple for loop and quot;printquot; will do it?(Python:为什么“回归?不会在简单的 for 循环和“打印中打印出所有列表元素.会做的?)
                  Return middle node of linked list with recursion(递归返回链表的中间节点)
                  Return items from list in function. Python(从函数列表中返回项目.Python)
                  Why does quot;return list.sort()quot; return None, not the list?(为什么“返回 list.sort()?返回无,而不是列表?)

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