pyplot 制表符

pyplot tab character(pyplot 制表符)
本文介绍了pyplot 制表符的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 pyplot 中使用制表符.但是,制表符显示的是一个正方形,而不是我需要的制表符空间.

I am trying to use the tab character in pyplot. However, the tab character is displaying a square, not the tab space I require.


fig = pl.figure()
fig.text(.1,.05, "test 	 test", bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5))


Does anyone know why this doesn't work?


我很惊讶 实际上显示了一些空格来代替你的正方形.但是 savefig 并没有试图变得聪明并给出您所描述的内容.现在,一个制表符占用多少个空格?这个问题没有意义.4适合你吗?我会为我选择4.2.这意味着您需要决定您希望标签在文本中占用多少空格,即:

I was surprised that actually shows some spaces in place of your square. But savefig does not try to be smart and gives what you describe. Now, how many spaces does one tab take ? This question makes no sense. Is it 4 for you ? I will pick 4.2 for me. This means you need to decide how many spaces you want a tab to take in your text, i.e.:

fig = pylab.figure()
text = "test 	 test".replace("	", "    ")
fig.text(.1,.05, text, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5))


Or, maybe you want to simply expand your tabs using "standard" conventions:

text = "test 	 test".expandtabs()

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