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      <i id='XPm1A'><tr id='XPm1A'><dt id='XPm1A'><q id='XPm1A'><span id='XPm1A'><b id='XPm1A'><form id='XPm1A'><ins id='XPm1A'></ins><ul id='XPm1A'></ul><sub id='XPm1A'></sub></form><legend id='XPm1A'></legend><bdo id='XPm1A'><pre id='XPm1A'><center id='XPm1A'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='XPm1A'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='XPm1A'><tfoot id='XPm1A'></tfoot><dl id='XPm1A'><fieldset id='XPm1A'></fieldset></dl></div>

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    2. <small id='XPm1A'></small><noframes id='XPm1A'>

    3. MySQL将select与其他表中的sum结合起来

      MySQL combine select with sum from other table(MySQL将select与其他表中的sum结合起来)
    4. <i id='CKGAt'><tr id='CKGAt'><dt id='CKGAt'><q id='CKGAt'><span id='CKGAt'><b id='CKGAt'><form id='CKGAt'><ins id='CKGAt'></ins><ul id='CKGAt'></ul><sub id='CKGAt'></sub></form><legend id='CKGAt'></legend><bdo id='CKGAt'><pre id='CKGAt'><center id='CKGAt'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='CKGAt'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='CKGAt'><tfoot id='CKGAt'></tfoot><dl id='CKGAt'><fieldset id='CKGAt'></fieldset></dl></div>
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            <tbody id='CKGAt'></tbody>
          <legend id='CKGAt'><style id='CKGAt'><dir id='CKGAt'><q id='CKGAt'></q></dir></style></legend>
              <bdo id='CKGAt'></bdo><ul id='CKGAt'></ul>
              • 本文介绍了MySQL将select与其他表中的sum结合起来的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我不是很喜欢 MySQL,但我只需要一个声明,我非常感谢您在这方面的帮助.

                i'm not really much into MySQL, but i need just one statement and I would really appreciate your help on this.

                我有两个表:'user' 和 'score'

                I have two tables: 'user' and 'score'


                | user_id | user_name |
                | 1       | Paul      |
                | 2       | Peter     |


                here's the structure of 'score':

                | score_id | score_user_id | score_track_id | score_points | 
                | 1        | 2             | 23             | 200          |
                | 2        | 2             | 25             | 150          |

                现在我需要一个能够为我提供某种高分列表的查询.结果应包含 user_id、user_name 和与用户相关的所有分数的总和:我应该如下所示:

                now I need a query that provides me some kind of highscore-list. the result should contain user_id, user_name and the sum of all scores that are related to the user: i should look like this:

                | user_id | user_name | scores |
                | 1       | Paul      | 0      |
                | 2       | Peter     | 350    |


                even better would be, if the result would be sorted in order of the users position in the global ranking like this:

                | position | user_id | user_name | scores |
                | 1        | 2       | Peter     | 350    |
                | 2        | 1       | Paul      | 0      |


                SELECT user_id as current_user, user_name, SUM(SELECT score_points FROM score WHERE score_user_id = current_user) as ranking FROM user ORDER BY ranking DESC


                which results in a syntax error. the main problem for me is to connect the user_id from 'user' to the score_user_id in 'score' for each row.




                You just need to group your scores by user:

                SELECT @p:=@p+1 AS position, t.*
                FROM (
                  SELECT   user.user_id,
                           IFNULL(SUM(score.score_points),0) AS total_points
                  FROM     user LEFT JOIN score ON user.user_id = score.score_user_id
                  GROUP BY user.user_id
                  ORDER BY total_points DESC
                ) AS t JOIN (SELECT @p:=0) AS initialisation

                在 sqlfiddle 上查看它.




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                  <bdo id='p3kS0'></bdo><ul id='p3kS0'></ul>
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                      <i id='p3kS0'><tr id='p3kS0'><dt id='p3kS0'><q id='p3kS0'><span id='p3kS0'><b id='p3kS0'><form id='p3kS0'><ins id='p3kS0'></ins><ul id='p3kS0'></ul><sub id='p3kS0'></sub></form><legend id='p3kS0'></legend><bdo id='p3kS0'><pre id='p3kS0'><center id='p3kS0'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='p3kS0'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='p3kS0'><tfoot id='p3kS0'></tfoot><dl id='p3kS0'><fieldset id='p3kS0'></fieldset></dl></div>
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