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        带有时间戳列表的事件列表,在表格显示中按小时分组,在 PHP 中.

        List of events with a list of timestamps, grouped by hour in a tabular display, in PHP.(带有时间戳列表的事件列表,在表格显示中按小时分组,在 PHP 中.)
      1. <legend id='iXjMP'><style id='iXjMP'><dir id='iXjMP'><q id='iXjMP'></q></dir></style></legend>
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                • 本文介绍了带有时间戳列表的事件列表,在表格显示中按小时分组,在 PHP 中.的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在重构时,我正在为 PHP 中的时间表(日历)寻找优化算法.

                  While refactoring, I am looking for an optimised algorithm for a timetable (calendar) in PHP.

                  我有一个包含时间戳列表的事件列表.这必须以表格的方式呈现.当前代码有效,但有 a) 相当多的怪癖和 b) 非常不灵活.我正在寻找重构这件作品并寻找优化方式的输入.

                  I have a list of events which have a list of timestamps. This must be presented in a tabular way. The current code works, but has a) quite some quircks and is b) very inflexible. I am looking to refactor this piece and looking for input on optimised ways.


                  Example here, notice the header of the table bearing the hours. And the times within that hour being grouped in that column. One event, having two timestamps in one hour can be ignored (may only happen in theory, as per the technical docs)

                  该表是用 Drupals theme_table() 构建的,我可以构建从任何数组向上,为每一承载数组.然而,这里对 Drupal 部分没什么兴趣:)

                  The table is built with Drupals theme_table(), which I can build up from any array, bearing arrays for each row. the Drupal part, however, is of little interest here :)


                  //inside function that builds the content for the page linked to above:
                  $this_morning = _playdates_get_start_of_day_with($timestamp);
                  $this_night = _playdates_get_end_of_day_with($timestamp);
                  $nodes = _playdates_load_all_in_range($types, $this_morning, $this_night);
                  usort($nodes, '_playdates_cmp_titles');
                  //we now have a list of "nodes", being the events listed in the first column, which have
                  //  a list of playdates, the timestamps. $node->nid is a unique id for each event.  
                  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                    $times = $dates = array();
                    if (is_array($node->starts_at)) {
                      foreach ($node->starts_at as $starts_at) {
                        $date = getdate($starts_at);
                        $dates[$starts_at] = $date;
                        if (!isset($active) && ($timestamp <= ($date[0] + $timezone))) {
                          $active = _playdates_get_idx_hour($date);
                      $times = _playdates_group_by_hour($dates);
                      foreach ($times as $key => $value) {
                        $header_times[$key] = $key;
                      $header = array_merge($header, $header_times);
                      $entries[$node->nid] = $node;
                      $entries[$node->nid]->times = $times;
                  function _playdates_group_by_hour($timestamps, $playdate = NULL) {
                    $indexes = array();
                    foreach ($timestamps as $key => $value) {
                      $indexes[_playdates_get_idx_hour($value)] = theme('playdates_format_time', $value, $playdate);
                    return $indexes;
                  function _playdates_get_idx_hour($date) {
                    return playdates_format_date($date[0], 'custom', 'H:00');


                  So, the pattern is: grab (and order) the list of events. Loop over that, for each event, loop over the timestamps and create an array with the key being the hour of the timestamp (group by hours).


                  Are there better patterns? Is there a more generic way to achieve this? Any keywords that I can search for (I have no idea how such a pattern would be called)?


                  example dataset The $nodes (unnessecary data removed) look like this:

                  array(15) {
                    object(stdClass)#48 (6) {
                      string(19) "Cosa voglio di più"
                      string(4) "film"
                      string(4) "2823"
                      object(stdClass)#49 (1) {
                        string(10) "1286550000"
                      array(2) {
                        string(10) "1286550000"
                        string(10) "1286559000"
                      array(2) {
                        string(1) "0"
                        string(1) "0"
                    object(stdClass)#46 (6) {
                      string(5) "Tirza"
                      string(4) "film"
                      string(4) "2813"
                      object(stdClass)#47 (1) {
                        string(10) "1286550000"
                      array(3) {
                        string(10) "1286550000"
                        string(10) "1286558100"
                        string(10) "1286566200"
                      array(3) {
                        string(1) "0"
                        string(1) "0"
                        string(1) "0"
                    object(stdClass)#36 (6) {
                      string(47) "Vision - aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen"
                      string(4) "film"
                      string(4) "2783"
                      object(stdClass)#39 (1) {
                        string(10) "1286541900"
                      array(1) {
                        string(10) "1286541900"
                      array(1) {
                        string(1) "0"


                  我对 Drupal 一点都不熟悉,所以我将根据我自己的方法提出建议,以解决您对重构显示的请求一列中的电影名称列表,以及相应时间列中的开始时间.

                  I'm not familiar with Drupal at all, so I'm going to make a suggestion based on my own approach to your request to refactor the display of a list of movie titles in one column, and the start time in the appropriate time column.


                  You are starting with an array of movies (or 'films') containing movie titles and start timestamps. I assume somewhere you can retrieve or create an array of hours for the column title.

                  下面的示例忽略了您正在处理一个对象,或者该对象包含数组, 只是为了展示另一种模式方法.此模式不是您似乎正在执行的所有格式化和排序,而是遍历每部电影并使用第二个 foreach 遍历小时列,并测试电影时间是否与小时时间匹配.

                  The example below ignores that you are dealing with an object, or that the object contains arrays, only to exhibit an alternate pattern approach. Rather than all the formatting and sorting you appear to be doing, this pattern iterates over each movie and uses a second foreach to iterate over the hour columns, and tests if the movie time matches the hour time.

                  <?php foreach($movie_array as $movie){
                      echo '<td>'.$movie['title'].'</td>';
                      foreach($hours as $hour){
                          if(date('H',$movie['starts_at']) == date('H',$hour)){
                              echo '<td>'.date('H:i',$movie['starts_at']).'</td>';
                              echo '<td></td>';

                  我跳过了设置表格的步骤,当然,您可以将我的 html 实体替换为您喜欢设置表格的方式.

                  I've skipped setting up the table, and of course, you could replace my html entities with however you prefer to set up the table.


                  I think this is a viable pattern that seems to simplify the logic of your original pattern, and remains flexible. Hopefully I haven't misunderstood and omitted a critical part of your problem.

                  这篇关于带有时间戳列表的事件列表,在表格显示中按小时分组,在 PHP 中.的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How do I pass parameters into a PHP script through a webpage?(如何通过网页将参数传递给 PHP 脚本?)
                  PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters(PHP - 包含一个 php 文件并发送查询参数)
                  Where can I read about conditionals done with quot;?quot; and quot;:quot; (colon)?(我在哪里可以阅读有关使用“?完成的条件的信息?和“:(冒号)?)
                  Accessing arrays whitout quoting the key(在不引用键的情况下访问数组)
                  What is the name for the quot;lt;lt;lt;quot; operator?(“lt;lt;lt;的名字是什么?操作员?)
                  default as first option in switch statement?(默认为 switch 语句中的第一个选项?)
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