如何通过 API (Php SDK) 以管理员身份发布到 Facebookpage?

How to post to Facebookpage as admin via API (Php SDK)?(如何通过 API (Php SDK) 以管理员身份发布到 Facebookpage?)
本文介绍了如何通过 API (Php SDK) 以管理员身份发布到 Facebookpage?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我知道如何使用 PHP SDK 通过 API 在 Facebook 页面上发帖,具体操作如下:

$facebook->api('/xxxxxxxxxxx/feed', 'post', array('message'=> 'Hello world!', 'cb' => ''));

其中 xxxxxxxxxxx 是页面 ID ;)


But doing that, I post to that page as me, Jamie, and not as the Page itself (admin).
So how do I post as Admin/Page instead of myself?




First of all you need to make sure you have access to manage pages for user, ex:

<fb:login-button autologoutlink="true" perms="manage_pages"></fb:login-button>


Now you also gets a special token for every page user have access to once you get them.
PHP SDK Example:

//Get pages user id admin for
$fb_accounts = $facebook->api('/me/accounts');
//$fb_accounts is now an array 
//holding all data on the pages user is admin for, 
//we are interested in access_token 

//We save the token for one of the pages into a variable 
$access_token = $fb_accounts['data'][0]['access_token'];

//We can now update a Page as Admin
$facebook->api('/PAGE_ID/feed', 'post', array('message'=> 'Hello!', 'access_token' => $access_token, 'cb' => ''));


查看关于您的问题的说明:http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api > 授权 > 页面模拟.

Check out this note regarding your question: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api > Authorization > Page impersonation.

长话短说,您需要 manage_pages 扩展权限.

Long story short, you need the manage_pages extended permission.

顺便说一句,你有没有检查这个 首先?

And btw, have you checked this first ?

这篇关于如何通过 API (Php SDK) 以管理员身份发布到 Facebookpage?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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