是什么导致“无法为池分配内存"?在 PHP 中?

What is causing quot;Unable to allocate memory for poolquot; in PHP?(是什么导致“无法为池分配内存?在 PHP 中?)
本文介绍了是什么导致“无法为池分配内存"?在 PHP 中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我偶尔会遇到服务器的内存分配限制,尤其是像 Wordpress 这样臃肿的应用程序,但从未遇到过无法为池分配内存"和无法跟踪任何信息的情况.

I've occasionally run up against a server's memory allocation limit, particularly with a bloated application like Wordpress, but never encountered "Unable to allocate memory for pool" and having trouble tracking down any information.

有人知道这是什么意思吗?我试过增加 memory_limit 没有成功.我也没有对应用程序进行任何重大更改.一天没有问题,第二天我就遇到了这个错误.

Does anyone know what this means? I've tried increasing the memory_limit without success. I also haven't made any significant changes to the application. One day there was no problem, the next day I hit this error.


可能与 APC 相关.

对于遇到此问题的人,请指定您的 .ini 设置.特别是您的 apc.mmap_file_mask 设置.

For the people having this problem, please specify you .ini settings. Specifically your apc.mmap_file_mask setting.

对于文件支持的 mmap,它应该设置为:

For file-backed mmap, it should be set to something like:


要直接从/dev/zero 映射,请使用:

To mmap directly from /dev/zero, use:


对于符合 POSIX 的共享内存支持的 mmap,请使用:

For POSIX-compliant shared-memory-backed mmap, use:


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