
Dynamically change launch image in iOS(在 iOS 中动态更改启动图像)
Differentiate between black and white iPhones?(黑白 iPhone 的区别?)
Why does a subclass @property with no corresponding ivar hide superclass ivars?(为什么没有相应 ivar 的子类 @property 隐藏超类 ivar?)
how to pause and resume NSTimer in iphone(如何在 iphone 中暂停和恢复 NSTimer)
How can I open the Settings app when the user presses a button?(用户按下按钮时如何打开设置应用程序?)
Download data in background with iOS4(使用 iOS4 在后台下载数据)
Remote image size without downloading(无需下载的远程图像大小)
iOS4 Create Background Timer(iOS4 创建后台定时器)
How to format NSDate?(如何格式化 NSDate?)
Fonts not displaying in Interface Builder(Interface Builder 中不显示字体)
UIToolbar tint on iOS 4(iOS 4 上的 UIToolbar 色调)
How can you play music from the iPod app while still receiving remote control events in your app?(如何在您的应用程序中接收远程控制事件的同时从 iPod 应用程序播放音乐?)