
GSRegisterPurpleNamedPort SIGABRT in UIApplicationMain Before App Delegate Gets to Run Any Code(GSRegisterPurpleNamedPort SIGABRT 在 UIApplicationMain 在应用程序委托开始运行任何代码之前)
DETECT the Edge of a Document in iPhoneSDK(在 iPhoneSDK 中检测文档的边缘)
TextField Validation With Regular Expression(使用正则表达式验证文本字段)
Architectural and design question about uploading photos from iPhone app and S3(关于从 iPhone 应用和 S3 上传照片的架构和设计问题)
Tabbar with custom colors(带有自定义颜色的标签栏)
iOS 4 has an In-App SMS SDK for sending messages, but is there a way to have your App receive incoming SMS messages?(iOS 4 有一个用于发送消息的 In-App SMS SDK,但有没有办法让您的应用程序接收传入的 SMS 消息?) - IT屋-程序员软件开发技术分享社
Why is viewDidLoad called twice when the rootViewController property of UIWindow is set?(为什么设置 UIWindow 的 rootViewController 属性时 viewDidLoad 会被调用两次?)
Action sheet doesn#39;t display when the MFMailComposeViewController#39;s cancel button is tapped(点击 MFMailComposeViewController 的取消按钮时,操作表不显示)
How to post images on facebook wall on a single button click from an iPhone app(如何通过 iPhone 应用程序单击一次按钮在 Facebook 墙上发布图像)
What is the point of @property and @synthesize?(@property 和 @synthesize 的意义何在?)
How to remove programmatically a tab bar item created in parent class NIB file?(如何以编程方式删除在父类 NIB 文件中创建的选项卡栏项?)
how to draw automatic line between two tap points in a view in iphone(如何在iphone视图中的两个点击点之间绘制自动线)