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      如何从 Android 开发者控制台上的应用程序列表中删除应用程序

      How to remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console(如何从 Android 开发者控制台上的应用程序列表中删除应用程序)

      1. <i id='tHnxE'><tr id='tHnxE'><dt id='tHnxE'><q id='tHnxE'><span id='tHnxE'><b id='tHnxE'><form id='tHnxE'><ins id='tHnxE'></ins><ul id='tHnxE'></ul><sub id='tHnxE'></sub></form><legend id='tHnxE'></legend><bdo id='tHnxE'><pre id='tHnxE'><center id='tHnxE'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='tHnxE'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='tHnxE'><tfoot id='tHnxE'></tfoot><dl id='tHnxE'><fieldset id='tHnxE'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                本文介绍了如何从 Android 开发者控制台上的应用程序列表中删除应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                有什么方法可以取消发布,然后从 Android 开发者控制台上的应用程序列表中永久删除一个应用程序?

                Is there any way to unpublish and then permanently remove an application from the list of applications on Android Developer Console?


                不,您可以取消发布,但是一旦您的应用程序在市场上上线,您就无法删除它.(每个包名都是唯一的,Google 会记住所有包名所以你可以用这个来提醒)


                The "Delete" button only works for unpublished version of your app. Once you published your app or a particular version of it, you cannot delete it from the Market. However, you can still "unpublish" it. The "Delete" button is only handy when you uploaded a new version, then you realized you goofed and want to remove that new version before publishing it.


                2016 年更新


                you can now filter out unpublished or draft apps from your listing.


                更新 2020

                单击左侧窗格中的 All Apps.然后点击您要移除的应用.

                Due to changes in the new play console, the unpublish option was moved to a different location as follows.
                Click All Apps in the left pane. Then click the app you want to remove.

                然后在左侧窗格的Setup选项下,点击Advanced Settings.

                Then under the Setup option in the left pane, Click Advanced Settings.

                然后在右侧的App Availablity下,将状态更改为UnPublished,然后点击底部的Save Changes.

                Then under App Availablity on the right, change the status to UnPublished and click Save Changes at the bottom.


                这篇关于如何从 Android 开发者控制台上的应用程序列表中删除应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                Android - Is it possible to get install referrer programmatically(Android - 是否有可能以编程方式安装引荐来源网址)
                How to sign an APK with more than one certificate?(如何使用多个证书签署 APK?)
                versionCode vs versionName in Android Manifest(Android Manifest 中的 versionCode 与 versionName)
                What does this Google Play APK publish error message mean?(这个 Google Play APK 发布错误消息是什么意思?)
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                App on Google Play always shows quot;Updatequot; instead of open(Google Play 上的应用程序总是显示“更新;而不是打开)

              2. <i id='ML7UX'><tr id='ML7UX'><dt id='ML7UX'><q id='ML7UX'><span id='ML7UX'><b id='ML7UX'><form id='ML7UX'><ins id='ML7UX'></ins><ul id='ML7UX'></ul><sub id='ML7UX'></sub></form><legend id='ML7UX'></legend><bdo id='ML7UX'><pre id='ML7UX'><center id='ML7UX'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='ML7UX'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='ML7UX'><tfoot id='ML7UX'></tfoot><dl id='ML7UX'><fieldset id='ML7UX'></fieldset></dl></div>

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