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      1. <small id='eeuHq'></small><noframes id='eeuHq'>

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      2. UIWebViews 的 iOS 自定义字体路径

        iOS custom font path for UIWebViews(UIWebViews 的 iOS 自定义字体路径)
      3. <small id='igWSY'></small><noframes id='igWSY'>

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                  本文介绍了UIWebViews 的 iOS 自定义字体路径的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个 UIWebView,我有一个自定义字体我想加载到一个可编辑的 html 文档中,我将通过 UIWebView 显示它.在我的 SupportingFiles(资源)文件夹中,我有Nosifer-Regular.ttf"...要在我的 HTML 中使用自定义字体,我需要字体拼贴的路径(URL)...我试过这样做,但它没有似乎不起作用...有什么想法吗?

                  I have a UIWebView and I have a custom font I want to load into an editable html document that I will be displaying through the UIWebView. In my SupportingFiles (resources) folder I have "Nosifer-Regular.ttf"... To use the custom font in my HTML I need the path (URL) to the font tile... I tried doing this, but it didn't seem to work... any ideas?

                  bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
                      pathFont = [bundle bundlePath];
                      fontURL = [NSBundle pathForResource:@"Nosifer-Regular" ofType:@"ttf" inDirectory:pathFont];
                      path_font = [fontURL stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
                      fileAppend = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"file://"];
                      path_font = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@%@", fileAppend, path_font];

                  HTML (CSS):

                  The HTML (CSS):

                  @font-face {
                    font-family: 'Nosifer';
                    font-style: normal;
                    font-weight: 400;
                    src: local('Nosifer'), local('Nosifer-Regular'), url('%@') format('truetype');

                  %@ 替换为path_font"(在上面的第一个代码块中定义)

                  Where %@ is replaced with "path_font" (defined above in the first code block)



                  First of all, add filed "Fonts provided by application" in your info.plist. It will be an array like

                  item0 myFont.otf
                  item1 anotherFont.ttf


                  在 HTML 中使用 font-face 添加字体.并将您的字体文件与 html 文件放在同一目录中.如果 HTML 是动态生成的并且没有从 bundle 中显示,那么你应该复制字体.

                  In HTML use font-face to add a font. And place your font files in the same directory with html file. If HTML is generated dynamically and not shown from bundle then you should copy font .


                  这篇关于UIWebViews 的 iOS 自定义字体路径的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  iOS UIWebView app opens link in Safari(iOS UIWebView 应用在 Safari 中打开链接)
                  Close UIWebView using javascript:window.close();(使用 javascript:window.close() 关闭 UIWebView;)
                  NSCachedURLResponse returns object, but UIWebView does not interprets content(NSCachedURLResponse 返回对象,但 UIWebView 不解释内容)
                  Trouble hiding iAd banner and displaying UIWebView in its place(无法隐藏 iAd 横幅并在其位置显示 UIWebView)
                  Knowing when AJAX has loaded in UIWebView(知道何时在 UIWebView 中加载了 AJAX)
                  Load image/logo in existing HTML input field - UIWebView(在现有的 HTML 输入字段中加载图像/徽标 - UIWebView)

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