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      Play 商店 Beta 测试返回 404

      Play store Beta Testing returning 404(Play 商店 Beta 测试返回 404)

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                本文介绍了Play 商店 Beta 测试返回 404的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我是一名开发人员,当我观看 Google IO 2013 并了解新的 Beta 测试功能时,我感到非常激动.所以我创建了一个 Google+ 社区和一个 google 群组,并将测试人员放在那里(包括我在内).

                当我们访问 这样的替代方案,但我宁愿将我的应用程序保留在在这个环境中,我可以将 Beta 版 apk 提升"到生产阶段等等.


                我也遇到了同样的问题.链接不起作用的原因是必须在链接激活之前发布应用程序.我再说一遍应用程序必须发布,这并不意味着必须有一个 APK 在生产中.在应用程序开发人员控制台页面的右上角有一个下拉菜单,可让您发布应用程序.该链接将立即生效,您的应用将在几个小时后在 Play 商店中供您的测试人员使用.

                I'm a developer and i was thrilled when I was watching Google IO 2013 and learned about the new Beta testing feature. So I created a Google+ community and a google group and placed the testers in there (me included).

                All we get (the developers and testers) when we visit the https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.package.stuff is this:

                Is there any trick I am missing? I would really like to use this feature.

                I know there are alternatives like https://testflightapp.com/ but I'd rather keep my app under this environment where I can "promote" the Beta apk to the Production phase and so on.


                I had this same issue. The reason the link is not working is because the app must be published before the link will be active. I repeat the app must be published, this does not mean there must be an APK in production. On the top right of your applications developer console page there is a drop down menu that allows you to publish the app. That link will become active immediately and your app will be available in a few hours to your testers on the Play Store.

                这篇关于Play 商店 Beta 测试返回 404的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                Android - Is it possible to get install referrer programmatically(Android - 是否有可能以编程方式安装引荐来源网址)
                How to sign an APK with more than one certificate?(如何使用多个证书签署 APK?)
                versionCode vs versionName in Android Manifest(Android Manifest 中的 versionCode 与 versionName)
                What does this Google Play APK publish error message mean?(这个 Google Play APK 发布错误消息是什么意思?)
                Lost my keystore for uploaded app on android market(丢失了我在 android 市场上上传的应用程序的密钥库)
                App on Google Play always shows quot;Updatequot; instead of open(Google Play 上的应用程序总是显示“更新;而不是打开)
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