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      1. Android 清单限制为平板电脑

        Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets(Android 清单限制为平板电脑)

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                  本文介绍了Android 清单限制为平板电脑的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  出于商业原因,我想将我的 Android 应用程序严格限制在平板设备上.

                  For business reasons I'd like to restrict my Android application strictly to tablet devices.

                  目前,我可以通过设置将应用限制为 Honeycomb 设备:

                  At the moment, I can limit the app to Honeycomb devices by setting:


                  但下一个版本的 Android(Ice Cream Sandwich)将为平板电脑和手机版本的操作系统提供更高的版本号.

                  But the next version of Android (Ice Cream Sandwich) will have a higher version number for both the tablet and phone versions of the OS.

                  我可以指定任何清单属性来将其限制为平板设备吗?(Honeycomb 或任何更高版本的平板电脑)

                  Is there any manifest attribute I can specify to restrict it to tablet devices? (Honeycomb or any later tablet version)



                  You will find this link awesome: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/09/preparing-for-handsets.html

                  我们所说的平板电脑"的问题在于,对于 evryone 的定义并不相同.我想到了与手机大小相同但带有平板电脑"名称的爱可视 5IT.戴尔 Streak 也有同样的问题.

                  The problem with what we call "tablet" is that the definition is not the same for evryone. I think about the Archos 5IT that is the same size than a phone but branded with "tablet" name. Same issue with Dell Streak.


                  I would personnaly not call that a tablet..

                  因此,如果您想限制为 7 或 5 英寸的设备,您应该使用 xlargeScreens 和 largeScreens.

                  So if you want to restrict to 7 or 5 inches devices, you should use xlargeScreens and largeScreens.

                  (HTC flyer - 7 英寸 - 使用大屏幕也有一个错误,怪 HTC)

                  (There is also a bug in HTC flyer - 7 inches- that uses largeScreens, blame HTC)

                  我猜想在 Manifest 中使用 Screen size 会满足您的需求:

                  I guess that playing with Screen size in Manifest will fit your needs:

                  <supports-screens android:smallScreens="false"

                  这篇关于Android 清单限制为平板电脑的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Android - Is it possible to get install referrer programmatically(Android - 是否有可能以编程方式安装引荐来源网址)
                  How to sign an APK with more than one certificate?(如何使用多个证书签署 APK?)
                  versionCode vs versionName in Android Manifest(Android Manifest 中的 versionCode 与 versionName)
                  What does this Google Play APK publish error message mean?(这个 Google Play APK 发布错误消息是什么意思?)
                  Lost my keystore for uploaded app on android market(丢失了我在 android 市场上上传的应用程序的密钥库)
                  App on Google Play always shows quot;Updatequot; instead of open(Google Play 上的应用程序总是显示“更新;而不是打开)

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