具有依赖项的 iOS 框架

iOS framework with dependencies(具有依赖项的 iOS 框架)
本文介绍了具有依赖项的 iOS 框架的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我已经创建了两个 iOS .frameworks

I have created two iOS .frameworks



  - framework1
     - framework2


So Framework2 is included in framework1 and framework1 is included in the actual iPad Project

所以我的问题是,如果我将 framework1 和 framework2 添加到我的 iPadProject 中,它将无法编译,因为它抱怨来自 framework2 的重复符号(这是合乎逻辑的,因为它已经包含在 framework1 中)

So my problem is, if I add both framework1 and framework2 into my iPadProject it won't compile because its whining about duplicate symbols from framework2 ( that's logical because it was already included in framework1)

但是,如果我只在我的 iPadProject 中包含 framework1,当我从 framework1 访问一个方法时,他又从 framework2 访问一个方法,它会使用signal SIGABRT"使应用程序崩溃

But if i only include framework1 into my iPadProject when i access a method from framework1 that in his turn access a method from framework2 it crashes the application with "signal SIGABRT"


问题是因为它现在是嵌套的,所以链接器将 f2 链接到 f1 -- 但只有 f2 中 f1 需要的部分.

the problem is that because it is nested right now, the linker links f2 into f1 -- BUT only the parts of f2 that are needed by f1.


f2 有 5 个符号 (f2_1 - 5)
f1 使用 f2_1 和 f2_2 但不是 3,4,5
=> 链接器将其丢弃

f2 has 5 symbols (f2_1 - 5)
f1 uses f2_1 and f2_2 but NOT 3,4,5
=> the linker throws it away

现在应用需要 f2_3、f2_4 和 f2_5,但它们不存在……但在编译时没有人知道.

now the app needs f2_3, f2_4 and f2_5 but they aren't there... but nobody knows that at compile time.

现在您尝试通过再次将应用程序与 f2 链接来解决它,但和以前一样,在编译时没有人优化链接器 f2_3 - 5 并且假定它们在 f1 中,因此是重复的!

now you try to resolve it by linking the app with f2 again but as before nobody at compile time the linker optimized out f2_3 - 5 and they are assumed to be in f1 and so are duplicates!

已经提到的解决这个 Rob Napier 的方法.不要嵌套框架(主要不是静态框架/第三部分)

the way to solve this Rob Napier already mentioned. Don't nest Frameworks (mainly not static ones / 3rd part ones)

解决方法是在 f1 链接到 f2 时将 -all_load 传递给链接器!

a workaround is to pass -all_load to the linker when f1 links in f2!

这篇关于具有依赖项的 iOS 框架的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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