
Listing of manufacturer#39;s clock / alarm package and class name, Please add(厂家时钟/闹钟包及类名列表,请加)



THis is not really a question, Sorry. I just wanted help on getting the package and class names of alarm and clocks of different android makers' clock and alarm.

我在这里列出了 HTC、Samsung 和股票 android 类名称.但是你可以猜到包名.

I have a listing here of HTC, Samsung, and stock android class names. But you can guess the package names.

// HTC

// Samsung

// Motorola

// Stock Android Clock
"com.android.alarmclock.AlarmClock",// 1.5 / 1.6

如果您有 LG、Sony 或任何其他 Android 制造商,请添加到此列表.我祈求你.

If you have an LG, Sony, or any other android maker out there, please add to this list. i beg you.



Here some munifactures and actions, plus thirdparty actions (thirdparty alarm apps)

// Stock alarms
// Nexus (?)
// stock Android (?)
// Stock alarm Manufactures
// Samsung
// HTC
// Sony
// ZTE
// Motorola

// Thirdparty Alarms
// Gentle Alarm
// Sleep As Android
// Alarmdroid (1.13.2)


This are broadcast actions, which you can receive with a receiver.

我找到了 LG 手机的警报动作:

I've found the alarm action for the LG phones:





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