将标题视图添加到类似于 Safari 和文章的 UIWebView

Adding a header view to a UIWebView similar to Safari and Articles(将标题视图添加到类似于 Safari 和文章的 UIWebView)
本文介绍了将标题视图添加到类似于 Safari 和文章的 UIWebView的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我想向 UIWebView 添加一个标题视图,类似于 MobileSafari 中的地址/搜索栏和 Sophia Teutschler 的优秀 Articles.app.更准确地说,我想在 UIWebView 上方创建一个拉动固定方向"视图,就像在文章中一样.文章确实使用了 UIWebView,所以这似乎是可能的.如 这篇文章?显然,我确实需要滚动事件以使拉动以固定方向"行为相应.

I'd like to add a header view to an UIWebView similar to the address/search bar in MobileSafari and the excellent Articles.app by Sophia Teutschler. More precisely, I'd like to create a "pull to fix orientation" view above a UIWebView, just like in Articles. Articles does use a UIWebView, so it seems to be possible. Is there a way to accomplish this without having to embed the UIWebView into a UIScrollView and updating its size all the time, as described in this article? Apparently, I do need the scrolling events to have the "pull to fix orientation" behave accordingly.



After several attemps, I've decided to go with this solution:

基本上我刚刚将我的标题 UIView 添加为 webview.scrollview 子视图.

Basically I've just added my header UIView as a webview.scrollview subview.


To avoid having the header overlap the browser view:

  • 循环浏览所有 [webview.scrollView 子视图]
  • 寻找最大的,应该包含浏览器(其他用于阴影和线条)
  • 改变它的起源.y

  • cycle through all [webview.scrollView subviews]
  • look for the biggest, wich should contains the browser (the others are for shadows and lines)
  • change its origin.y


CGRect browserCanvas = web.bounds;
for(int i=0; i< [[web.scrollView subviews] count]; i++)
  UIView* subview = [[web.scrollView subviews] objectAtIndex:i];
  CGRect f = subview.frame;
  NSLog(@"sub %d -> x:%.0f, y:%.0f, w:%.0f, h:%.0f", i, f.origin.x, f.origin.y, f.size.width, f.size.height);

  if(f.origin.x == browserCanvas.origin.x && 
     f.origin.y == browserCanvas.origin.y && 
     f.size.width == browserCanvas.size.width && 
     f.size.height == browserCanvas.size.height)
         f.origin.y = header.frame.size.height;
         subview.frame = f;

if(![header superview])
  [web.scrollView addSubview:header];
  [web.scrollView bringSubviewToFront:header];

这篇关于将标题视图添加到类似于 Safari 和文章的 UIWebView的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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