
Error while trying to connect AD using LDAP connection(尝试使用 LDAP 连接连接 AD 时出错)
In C#, how to access Active Directory to get the list of groups that a certain user belongs to?(在 C# 中,如何访问 Active Directory 以获取某个用户所属的组列表?)
ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider to validate a user(ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider 验证用户)
List of computers in Active Directory that are online(Active Directory 中联机的计算机列表)
Validate User With LDAP/Network Credential in .NET MVC(在 .NET MVC 中使用 LDAP/网络凭据验证用户)
Authentication Types when switching from System.DirectoryServices to DirectoryServices.Protocols(从 System.DirectoryServices 切换到 DirectoryServices.Protocols 时的身份验证类型)
How can I better query multiple domains in Active Directory using C#?(如何使用 C# 更好地查询 Active Directory 中的多个域?)
How do I implement authentication from a local Active Directory in Blazor Server-Side application?(如何在 Blazor 服务器端应用程序中从本地 Active Directory 实施身份验证?)
How to check in C# if user account is active(如果用户帐户处于活动状态,如何签入 C#)
Converting the WhenChanged attribute (Generalized-Time) in LDAP to a DateTime in C#(将 LDAP 中的 WhenChanged 属性(通用时间)转换为 C# 中的 DateTime)
How do I query LDAP from C# to resolve Oracle TNS hostname while using managed ODP.NET?(如何在使用托管 ODP.NET 时从 C# 查询 LDAP 以解析 Oracle TNS 主机名?)
IIS complaining about Identity Impersonation using LDAP Authentication(IIS 抱怨使用 LDAP 身份验证的身份模拟)