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      1. 常见的 MySQL 字段及其相应的数据类型

        Common MySQL fields and their appropriate data types(常见的 MySQL 字段及其相应的数据类型)
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                1. 本文介绍了常见的 MySQL 字段及其相应的数据类型的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在建立一个非常小的 MySQL 数据库,用于存储名字、姓氏、电子邮件和电话号码,并且正在努力为每个字段找到完美"的数据类型.我知道没有完美的答案,但是对于诸如此类的常用领域,必须有某种通用约定.例如,我确定一个未格式化的美国电话号码太大而不能存储为 unsigned int,它必须至少是一个 bigint.

                  I am setting up a very small MySQL database that stores, first name, last name, email and phone number and am struggling to find the 'perfect' datatype for each field. I know there is no such thing as a perfect answer, but there must be some sort of common convention for commonly used fields such as these. For instance, I have determined that an unformatted US phone number is too big to be stored as an unsigned int, it must be at least a bigint.


                  Because I am sure other people would probably find this useful, I dont want to restrict my question to just the fields I mentioned above.


                  What datatypes are appropriate for common database fields? Fields like phone number, email and address?



                  Someone's going to post a much better answer than this, but just wanted to make the point that personally I would never store a phone number in any kind of integer field, mainly because:

                  1. 你不需要用它做任何算术运算,并且
                  2. 迟早有人会尝试(做类似的事情)在他们的区号周围加上括号.


                  In general though, I seem to almost exclusively use:

                  • INT(11) 用于 ID 或引用另一个 ID 的任何内容
                  • 时间戳的日期时间
                  • VARCHAR(255) 用于保证少于 255 个字符的任何内容(页面标题、名称等)
                  • 几乎所有其他内容的文本.


                  Of course there are exceptions, but I find that covers most eventualities.

                  这篇关于常见的 MySQL 字段及其相应的数据类型的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Import CSV to Update rows in table(导入 CSV 以更新表中的行)
                  Importing MaxMind#39;s GeoLite2 to MySQL(将 MaxMind 的 GeoLite2 导入 MySQL)
                  How to save a Google maps overlay shape in the database?(如何在数据库中保存谷歌地图叠加形状?)
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