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        Oracle - 字符串组合排列

        Oracle - string combinatorial permutation(Oracle - 字符串组合排列)

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                  本文介绍了Oracle - 字符串组合排列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I think I have a complex requirement.

                  这是一个使用 Oracle 10.2 的组合排列,我能够使用笛卡尔连接解决它,但我认为它需要一些改进以使其更简单和更灵活.

                  It's a combinatorial permutation using Oracle 10.2, I'was able to solve it using cartesian joins, but I think that it need some improvements to made it simplest and more flexible.




                  output: 'one' 'two' 'one two' 'two one'

                  对于我的解决方案,我将字符串的数量限制为 5(请注意,输出是阶乘附近的数字)

                  For my solution I've restricted the number of strings to 5 (note that the output is a number near the factorial)


                  with My_Input_String as (select 1 as str_id, 'alpha beta omega gama' as str from dual )
                  , String_Parse as (
                                      SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '[^ ]+', 1, ROWNUM) str
                                      FROM My_Input_String
                                      where rownum < 6 -- string limitation --
                                      CONNECT BY level <= LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(str, '([^ ])+|.', '1') ) 
                  --------CRAP select need refactoring-------
                  select str from String_Parse
                  select  REGEXP_REPLACE(trim(s1.str||' '||s2.str||' '||s3.str||' '||s4.str||' '||s5.str), '( ){2,}', ' ') as str
                  (select str from String_Parse union select ' ' from dual) s1,
                  (select str from String_Parse union select '  ' from dual) s2,
                  (select str from String_Parse union select '   ' from dual) s3,
                  (select str from String_Parse union select '    ' from dual) s4,
                  (select str from String_Parse union select '     ' from dual) s5
                  s1.str <> s2.str and s1.str <> s3.str and s1.str <> s4.str and s1.str <> s5.str
                  and s2.str <> s3.str and s2.str <> s4.str and s2.str <> s5.str
                  and s3.str <> s4.str and s3.str <> s5.str
                  and s4.str <> s5.str



                  Got the generic one. Really simple in the end (but took me a while to get there)

                  WITH words AS
                  (   SELECT  REGEXP_SUBSTR( '&txt', 'S+', 1, LEVEL )    AS word
                          ,   LEVEL                                       AS num
                      FROM    DUAL
                      CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH( REGEXP_REPLACE( '&txt', 'S+s*', 'X' ) )
                  SELECT  SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH( W.word, ' ' )
                  FROM    words   W
                  CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR W.num != W.num

                  Edit2:删除了多余的 maxnum 内容.之前尝试的遗留问题

                  Removed redundant maxnum stuff. Left over from previous attempts

                  这篇关于Oracle - 字符串组合排列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How do I split flat file data and load into parent-child tables in database?(如何拆分平面文件数据并加载到数据库中的父子表中?)
                  How to import CSV into sqlite using RSqlite?(如何使用 RSqlite 将 CSV 导入 sqlite?)
                  Import CSV to Update rows in table(导入 CSV 以更新表中的行)
                  Importing MaxMind#39;s GeoLite2 to MySQL(将 MaxMind 的 GeoLite2 导入 MySQL)
                  Import / Export database with SQL Server Server Management Studio(使用 SQL Server Server Management Studio 导入/导出数据库)
                  How do you import a large MS SQL .sql file?(如何导入大型 MS SQL .sql 文件?)

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