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      2. 如何在 PL/SQL 中发送带有表单数据和参数的 POST 请求

        How to sent a POST request with form-data and parameters in PL/SQL(如何在 PL/SQL 中发送带有表单数据和参数的 POST 请求)

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                  本文介绍了如何在 PL/SQL 中发送带有表单数据和参数的 POST 请求的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试在 PL/SQL 中调用 REST WebService,但它不起作用.我收到此错误:


                  Content-type 必须是 multipart/form-data


                  DECLARE请求 UTL_HTTP.REQ;响应 UTL_HTTP.RESP;值 VARCHAR2(1024);-- 发布到的网址v_url VARCHAR2(200) := 'http://local/api/ws';-- 发布参数v_param VARCHAR2(500) := 'art=11111&qty=1';v_param_length NUMBER := length(v_param);开始req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST (url=> v_url, method => 'POST');UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER(req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER (r => req,名称 =>'内容类型',值 =>'多部分/表单数据;字符集=utf-8;边界=/');UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER (r => req,名称 =>'内容长度',值 =>v_param_length);UTL_HTTP.WRITE_TEXT (r => req,数据 =>v_param);响应:= UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE(req);环形UTL_HTTP.READ_LINE(resp, value, TRUE);DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(值);结束循环;UTL_HTTP.END_RESPONSE(resp);例外WHEN UTL_HTTP.END_OF_BODY THENUTL_HTTP.END_RESPONSE(resp);结尾;

                  这是一个带有 CURL 的例子:

                  curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "art=11111" -F "qty=1" http://local/api/ws

                  这个例子在 curl 上工作得很好,但我不知道为什么它在 PL/SQL 中没有.你能帮助我吗 ?


                  我认为您不能像在 URL 中那样使用 POST 和 GET 查询...

                  做你期望的事情看起来很困难.以下是来自 Ask Tom 的一些输入:



                  POST/path/to/script.php HTTP/1.0主机:example.com内容类型:多部分/表单数据,边界=AaB03x内容长度:$requestlen--AaB03x内容配置:表单数据;名称=字段1"$field1--AaB03x内容配置:表单数据;名称=字段2"$field2--AaB03x内容配置:表单数据;名称=用户文件";文件名="$文件名"内容类型:$mimetype内容传输编码:二进制$二进制数据--AaB03x--

                  还有 相同问题在这里开发有很多代码.


                  I'm trying to call REST WebService in PL/SQL but it doesn't work. I get this error:

                  Content-type must be multipart/form-data

                  Here is what I have:

                    req   UTL_HTTP.REQ;
                    resp  UTL_HTTP.RESP;
                    value VARCHAR2(1024);  -- URL to post to
                    v_url VARCHAR2(200) := 'http://local/api/ws';
                    -- Post Parameters
                    v_param VARCHAR2(500) := 'art=11111&qty=1'; 
                    v_param_length NUMBER := length(v_param);
                    req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST (url=> v_url, method => 'POST');
                    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER(req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
                    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER (r      =>  req,
                                         name   =>  'Content-Type',
                                         value  =>  'multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=/');
                    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER (r      =>   req,
                                         name   =>   'Content-Length',
                                         value  =>   v_param_length);
                    UTL_HTTP.WRITE_TEXT (r      =>   req,
                                         data   =>   v_param); 
                       resp := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE(req);
                      UTL_HTTP.READ_LINE(resp, value, TRUE);
                    END LOOP;
                    WHEN UTL_HTTP.END_OF_BODY THEN

                  Here is an example with CURL :

                  curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "art=11111" -F "qty=1" http://local/api/ws

                  This example works fine with curl but i don't know why it doesn't in PL/SQL. Can you help me ?


                  I don't think you can use a POST with GET query like you do in the URL...

                  It looks quite difficult to do what you expect. Here is some input from Ask Tom:

                  The idea is to generate the post text, including a specific "boundary", which will look like this:

                  POST /path/to/script.php HTTP/1.0
                  Host: example.com
                  Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x
                  Content-Length: $requestlen
                  content-disposition: form-data; name="field1"
                  content-disposition: form-data; name="field2"
                  content-disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="$filename"
                  Content-Type: $mimetype
                  Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

                  There is also same issue developed here with lots of code.

                  Hope it helps.

                  这篇关于如何在 PL/SQL 中发送带有表单数据和参数的 POST 请求的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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