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        如何加密 MySQL 表中的特定列?

        How to encrypt a specific column in a MySQL table?(如何加密 MySQL 表中的特定列?)
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                  本文介绍了如何加密 MySQL 表中的特定列?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试创建一个简单的消息系统 (PHP) 页面,该页面使用 MySQL 表来存储条目.我将在表格中使用的列的粗略轮廓是:

                  I am experimenting with creating a simple message system (PHP) page that uses a MySQL table to store the entries. The rough outline of the columns I'll use in the table are:


                  msg_id (primary key, auto_increment)


                  user_id (foreign key pointing to the user who created the message)

                  time(提供 msg 时间戳的 DATETIME 条目)

                  time (a DATETIME entry to provide msg timestamps)

                  msg(包含 msg 的 VARCHAR)

                  msg (a VARCHAR containing the msg)

                  accessable(只是一个 int(1),0 表示除了用户自己之外没有人可以读取 msg,1 表示其他人可以读取它)

                  accessable (just an int(1), 0 means no one except the user himself can read the msg, and 1 means others can read it)

                  我想知道的是,加密 msg 字段以便窥探者无法读取它的最佳方法是什么(比方说,通过打开 mysql CLI 或 phpMyAdmin 并只读取值连续存储)?

                  What I'm wondering is, what's the best way to encrypt the msg field so prying eyes can't read it (let's say, by opening the mysql CLI or phpMyAdmin and just read the value stored in a row)?


                  If "accessable" is set to 0, then only the user him/herself should be able to read it (by accessing some PHP page), but if set to 1, everyone else should be able to read it as well. I don't know how to tackle this, so any help is very appreciated!



                  Look here for list of possible encryption functions:



                  You can create trigger for update and check there field accessable. Something like that:

                  CREATE TRIGGER crypt_trg BEFORE UPDATE ON table FOR EACH ROW
                    IF new.accessable = 0 THEN
                      SET new.msg := ENCRYPT(new.msg, 'key');
                      SET new.msg := DECRYPT(new.msg, 'key');
                    END IF;


                  You also can update all existing records in you table with this query:

                  UPDATE table SET msg = IF(accessable = 0, ENCRYPT(msg, 'key'), DECRYPT(msg, 'key'));

                  所以你可以为你的 PHP 代码选择记录:

                  So you can select records for you PHP code:

                  SELECT msg_id, user_id, time, IF(accessable = 0, DECRYPT(msg, 'key'), msg) msg
                  FROM table


                  MySQL 加密列

                  这篇关于如何加密 MySQL 表中的特定列?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Set the variable result, from query(设置变量结果,来自查询)
                  What is dynamic SQL?(什么是动态 SQL?)
                  Mysql - How to quit/exit from stored procedure(Mysql - 如何退出/退出存储过程)
                  Does MySQL have time-based triggers?(MySQL 有基于时间的触发器吗?)
                  is it possible to call a sql script from a stored procedure in another sql script?(是否可以从另一个 sql 脚本中的存储过程调用 sql 脚本?)
                  Procedure to loop through comma separated string is not working(遍历逗号分隔字符串的过程不起作用)
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