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        如何使用节点的 sequelize 更新记录?

        How to update a record using sequelize for node?(如何使用节点的 sequelize 更新记录?)
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                1. 本文介绍了如何使用节点的 sequelize 更新记录?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 NodeJS、express、express-resource 和 Sequelize 创建一个 RESTful API,用于管理存储在 MySQL 数据库中的数据集.

                  I'm creating a RESTful API with NodeJS, express, express-resource, and Sequelize that is used to manage datasets stored in a MySQL database.

                  我正在尝试弄清楚如何使用 Sequelize 正确更新记录.

                  I'm trying to figure out how to properly update a record using Sequelize.


                  module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
                    return sequelize.define('Locale', {
                      id: {
                        type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
                        autoIncrement: true,
                        primaryKey: true
                      locale: {
                        type: DataTypes.STRING,
                        allowNull: false,
                        unique: true,
                        validate: {
                          len: 2
                      visible: {
                        type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
                        defaultValue: 1


                  Then, in my resource controller, I define an update action.

                  在这里,我希望能够更新 id 与 req.params 变量匹配的记录.

                  In here I want to be able to update the record where the id matches a req.params variable.

                  首先我建立一个模型,然后我使用 updateAttributes 方法来更新记录.

                  First I build a model and then I use the updateAttributes method to update the record.

                  const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
                  const { dbconfig } = require('../config.js')
                  // Initialize database connection
                  const sequelize = new Sequelize(dbconfig.database, dbconfig.username, dbconfig.password)
                  // Locale model
                  const Locales = sequelize.import(__dirname + './models/Locale')
                  // Create schema if necessary
                   * PUT /locale/:id
                  exports.update = function (req, res) {
                    if (req.body.name) {
                      const loc = Locales.build()
                        locale: req.body.name
                        .on('success', id => {
                            success: true
                          }, 200)
                        .on('failure', error => {
                          throw new Error(error)
                      throw new Error('Data not provided')


                  Now, this does not actually produce an update query as I would expect.


                  INSERT INTO `Locales`(`id`, `locale`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `visible`)
                  VALUES ('1', 'us', '2011-11-16 05:26:09', '2011-11-16 05:26:15', 1)

                  所以我的问题是:使用 Sequelize ORM 更新记录的正确方法是什么?

                  So my question is: What is the proper way to update a record using Sequelize ORM?


                  我没有用过 Sequelize,但是在阅读它的文档,很明显你正在实例化一个新对象,这就是为什么 Sequelize在数据库中插入一条新记录.

                  I have not used Sequelize, but after reading its documentation, it's obvious that you are instantiating a new object, that's why Sequelize inserts a new record into the db.

                  首先您需要搜索该记录,获取它,然后才更改其属性和 更新,例如:

                  First you need to search for that record, fetch it and only after that change its properties and update it, for example:

                  Project.find({ where: { title: 'aProject' } })
                    .on('success', function (project) {
                      // Check if record exists in db
                      if (project) {
                          title: 'a very different title now'
                        .success(function () {})

                  这篇关于如何使用节点的 sequelize 更新记录?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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