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      1. 如何在 SELECT FROM 语句中使用表类型?

        How to use a table type in a SELECT FROM statement?(如何在 SELECT FROM 语句中使用表类型?)
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                  本文介绍了如何在 SELECT FROM 语句中使用表类型?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!




                  In the package header :
                  Declared the following row type:

                    TYPE exch_row IS RECORD(
                      currency_cd VARCHAR2(9),
                      exch_rt_eur NUMBER,
                      exch_rt_usd NUMBER);


                  And this table type:

                    TYPE exch_tbl IS TABLE OF exch_row INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;


                  Added a variable:

                  exch_rt exch_tbl;


                  In the package body:
                  Fill this table variable with some data.


                  In a procedure in the package body:
                  I want to use the following statement:

                  CURSOR c0 IS
                    SELECT i.*, rt.exch_rt_eur, rt.exch_rt_usd
                    FROM item i, exch_rt rt
                    WHERE i.currency = rt.exchange_cd

                  如何在 Oracle 中执行此操作?

                  How to do this in Oracle ?


                  实际上我正在寻找 MSSQL 中的表变量"解决方案:

                  Actually I'm looking for the 'Table Variable' solution in MSSQL:

                  DECLARE @exch_tbl TABLE
                    currency_cd VARCHAR(9),
                    exch_rt_eur NUMBER,
                    exch_rt_usd NUMBER)

                  并在我的 StoredProcedure 中使用这个表变量.

                  And use this Table Variable inside my StoredProcedure.


                  在 SQL 中,您只能使用在模式级别(而不是在包或过程级别)定义的表类型,不能使用按表索引(关联数组)在模式级别定义.所以 - 你必须像这样定义嵌套表

                  In SQL you may only use table type which is defined at schema level (not at package or procedure level), and index-by table (associative array) cannot be defined at schema level. So - you have to define nested table like this

                  create type exch_row as object (
                      currency_cd VARCHAR2(9),
                      exch_rt_eur NUMBER,
                      exch_rt_usd NUMBER);
                  create type exch_tbl as table of exch_row;

                  然后你可以在 SQL 中使用 TABLE 操作符,例如:

                  And then you can use it in SQL with TABLE operator, for example:

                     l_row     exch_row;
                     exch_rt   exch_tbl;
                     l_row := exch_row('PLN', 100, 100);
                     exch_rt  := exch_tbl(l_row);
                     for r in (select i.*
                                 from item i, TABLE(exch_rt) rt
                                where i.currency = rt.currency_cd) loop
                        -- your code here
                     end loop;

                  这篇关于如何在 SELECT FROM 语句中使用表类型?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  SQL - Inserting a row and returning primary key(SQL - 插入一行并返回主键)
                  How to get Top 5 records in SqLite?(如何获得 Sqlite 中的前 5 条记录?)
                  SQL Server SELECT where any column contains #39;x#39;(SQL Server SELECT,其中任何列包含“x)
                  Default row order in SELECT query - SQL Server 2008 vs SQL 2012(SELECT 查询中的默认行顺序 - SQL Server 2008 与 SQL 2012)
                  Using a Variable in OPENROWSET Query(在 OPENROWSET 查询中使用变量)
                  Return number from Oracle Select statement after parsing date(解析日期后从 Oracle Select 语句返回编号)

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