使用 T-SQL 查询 XML 字段

Query XML field with T-SQL(使用 T-SQL 查询 XML 字段)
本文介绍了使用 T-SQL 查询 XML 字段的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


如何使用 T-SQL 查询 XML 数据中的多个节点并将结果输出为单个逗号分隔的字符串?

How can I query multiple nodes in XML data with T-SQL and have the result output to a single comma separated string?

例如,我想获取以下 XML 中所有目的地名称的列表,使其看起来像德国、法国、英国、意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙"

For example, I'd like to get a list of all the destination names in the following XML to look like "Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal"

          <Destination Name="Germany"  />
          <Destination Name="France"  />
          <Destination Name="UK"  />
          <Destination Name="Italy"  />
          <Destination Name="Spain"  />
          <Destination Name="Portugal"  />


I was trying something like:

Countries = [xmlstring].value('/Holidays/Summer/Regions/Destinations/@Name', 'varchar')   


首先,要从源 XML 表中获取记录列表,需要使用 .nodes 函数(演示):

First, to get a list of records from a source XML table, you need to use the .nodes function (DEMO):

select Destination.value('data(@Name)', 'varchar(50)') as name
from [xmlstring].nodes('/Holidays/Summer/Regions/Destinations/Destination')


|      NAME |
|   Germany |
|    France |
|        UK |
|     Italy |
|     Spain |
|  Portugal |

从这里开始,您希望将目标值连接到一个逗号分隔的列表中.不幸的是,这不是 T-SQL 直接支持的,因此您必须使用某种解决方法.如果您正在使用多行的源表,最简单的方法是 FOR XML PATH('') 技巧.在这个查询中,我使用一个名为 Data 的源表,并将 XML 拆分为单独的记录,然后我使用 FOR XML PATH('') CROSS APPLY 生成逗号分隔的行.最后,从结果中去除最后的 , 以创建列表 (演示):

From here, you want to concatenate the destination values into a comma-separated list. Unfortunately, this is not directly supported by T-SQL, so you'll have to use some sort of workaround. If you're working with a source table using multiple rows, the simplest method is the FOR XML PATH('') trick. In this query I use a source table called Data, and split out the XML into separate records, which I then CROSS APPLY with FOR XML PATH('') to generate comma-separated rows. Finally, the final , is stripped from the result to create the list (DEMO):

;with Destinations as (
    select id, name
    from Data
    cross apply (
        select Destination.value('data(@Name)', 'varchar(50)') as name
        from [xmlstring].nodes('/Holidays/Summer/Regions/Destinations/Destination') D(Destination)
    ) Destinations(Name)
select id, substring(NameList, 1, len(namelist) - 1)
from Destinations as parent
cross apply (
    select name + ','
    from Destinations as child
    where parent.id = child.id
    for xml path ('')
) DestList(NameList)
group by id, NameList

示例输出(请注意,我在测试数据中添加了另一个 XML 片段以制作更复杂的示例):

Sample Output (Note that I've added another XML fragment to the test data to make a more complex example):

| ID |                               COLUMN_1 |
|  1 | Germany,France,UK,Italy,Spain,Portugal |
|  2 |                   USA,Australia,Brazil | 

这篇关于使用 T-SQL 查询 XML 字段的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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