在 t-sql 中验证日期?

validate a date in t-sql?(在 t-sql 中验证日期?)
本文介绍了在 t-sql 中验证日期?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



I just want to validate a given input from the user

Declare @UserInput NVARCHAR(20)
set @UserInput = '26/07/2013'
select ISDATE(@UserInput)

这将返回 false,因为日期是澳大利亚格式,即使日期有效

This will return false as the date is in australian format, even though the date is valid


I can change the last line to the folowing

select isdate(CONVERT(datetime, @UserInput, 103))

它的工作原理.但是如果@Userinput 是垃圾(即:- 'hello'),那么最后一条语句就会失败.我怎样才能拥有一些东西,无论用户输入什么,它都会将其验证为澳大利亚日期 (dd/mm/yyyy)?

and it works. But if the @Userinput was rubbish (ie:- 'hello'), then the last statement would fail. How can I have something, where no matter what the user enters, it validates it to an australian date (dd/mm/yyyy)?



使用 SET DATEFORMAT 指定您希望输入的日期格式:

Use SET DATEFORMAT to specify the format you are expecting the date to be entered in:


Declare @UserInput NVARCHAR(20)
set @UserInput = '26/07/2013'
select ISDATE(@UserInput)

我倾向于在输入到达 SQL-Server 之前执行此类验证,并确保任何日期变量都是日期.

I would be inclined to perform such validations prior to the input reaching SQL-Server, and ensuring that any date variables are dates.

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