查找与 Min/Max 关联的行,没有内部循环

Find the row associated with a Min/Max, without inner loop(查找与 Min/Max 关联的行,没有内部循环)
本文介绍了查找与 Min/Max 关联的行,没有内部循环的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个关于 T-SQL 和 SQL Server 的问题.

I have a question related to T-SQL and SQL Server.

假设我有一个包含 2 列的 Orders 表:

Let's say I have a table Orders with 2 columns:

  • ProductId int
  • CustomerId int
  • 日期日期时间


I want the date of the first order for every product, so I perform this type of query:

SELECT ProductId, MIN(Date) AS FirstOrder 
FROM Orders
GROUP BY ProductId

我在 ProductId 上有一个索引,包括列 CustomerIdDate 以加快查询速度 (IX_Orders>).查询计划看起来像是对 IX_Orders 的非聚集索引扫描,然后是流聚合(由于索引没有排序).

I have an index on ProductId, including the columns CustomerId and Date to speed up the query (IX_Orders). The query plan looks like a non-clustered index scan on IX_Orders, followed by a stream aggregate (no sort thanks to the index).

现在我的问题是我还想检索与每个产品的第一个订单相关联的 CustomerId(产品 26 于 25 日星期二由客户 12 首次订购).棘手的部分是我不希望在执行计划中有任何内部循环,因为这意味着表中每个 ProductId 的额外读取,这是非常低效的.

Now my problem is that I also want to retrieve the CustomerId associated with the first order for each product (Product 26 was first ordered on Tuesday 25, by customer 12). The tricky part is that I don't want any inner loop in the execution plan, because it would mean an additional read per ProductId in the table, which is highly inefficient.


This should just be possible using the same non-clustered index scan, followed by stream aggregates, however I can't seem to find a query that would do that. Any idea?




this will handle products that have duplicate dates:

DECLARE @Orders table (ProductId int
                      ,CustomerId int
                      ,Date datetime

INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (1,1,'20090701')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (2,1,'20090703')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (3,1,'20090702')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (1,2,'20090704')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (4,2,'20090701')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (1,3,'20090706')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (2,3,'20090704')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (4,3,'20090702')
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (5,5,'20090703')  --duplicate dates for product #5
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (5,1,'20090703')  --duplicate dates for product #5
INSERT INTO @Orders VALUES (5,5,'20090703')  --duplicate dates for product #5

;WITH MinOrders AS
     o.ProductId, o.CustomerId, o.Date
         ,row_number() over(partition by o.ProductId order by o.ProductId,o.CustomerId) AS RankValue
     FROM @Orders o
                         ,MIN(Date) MinDate 
                     FROM @Orders 
                     GROUP BY ProductId
                ) dt ON o.ProductId=dt.ProductId AND o.Date=dt.MinDate
    m.ProductId, m.CustomerId, m.Date
    FROM MinOrders  m
    WHERE m.RankValue=1
    ORDER BY m.ProductId, m.CustomerId


this will return the same results, just use the same declare and inserts as the above code:

;WITH MinOrders AS
     o.ProductId, o.CustomerId, o.Date
         ,row_number() over(partition by o.ProductId order by o.ProductId,o.CustomerId) AS RankValue
     FROM @Orders o
    m.ProductId, m.CustomerId, m.Date
    FROM MinOrders  m
    WHERE m.RankValue=1
    ORDER BY m.ProductId, m.CustomerId


You can try out each version to see which will run faster...

这篇关于查找与 Min/Max 关联的行,没有内部循环的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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