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        与 ASP.NET Core 中的 FromBody 混淆

        Confused with FromBody in ASP.NET Core(与 ASP.NET Core 中的 FromBody 混淆)

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                  本文介绍了与 ASP.NET Core 中的 FromBody 混淆的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有以下 WEB API 方法,并且有一个带有 Angular 的 SPA 模板:

                  I have the following WEB API method, and have a SPA template with Angular:

                  public IActionResult Post([FromBody]MyViewModel model)

                  我认为,基于 this 主题,这里不需要使用 [FromBody] ,因为我想从消息体中读取值,所以不需要覆盖默认行为,但是,如果我不这样做't 使用 [FromBody],来自 Angular 的模型为空.我真的很困惑,既然我使用了默认行为,为什么还要使用 [FromBody]?

                  I thought, based on this topic, there is no need to use [FromBody] here, since I want to read the value from the message body, so there is no need to override the default behavior, but, if I don't use [FromBody], the model that is coming from Angular is null. I'm really confused, why should I use [FromBody], since I have used the default behavior?


                  对于任何看到此问题的 .net core 3 - 您需要将 [ApiController] 添加到扩展 ControllerBase 的控制器中.[FromBody] 仅在您使用 MVC 控制器时才需要.

                  For anyone seeing this issue .net core 3 - you need to add the [ApiController] to the controller where you extend ControllerBase. The [FromBody] is only needed if you're doing an MVC controller.


                  This causes the body to get automatically processed in the way you're expecting.

                  Microsoft 文档ApiController 属性

                  这篇关于与 ASP.NET Core 中的 FromBody 混淆的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Performance overhead of using attributes in .NET(在 .NET 中使用属性的性能开销)
                  Accessing attribute info from DTE(从 DTE 访问属性信息)
                  c# Hide a property in datagridview with datasource(c#使用数据源隐藏datagridview中的属性)
                  Extract Display name and description Attribute from within a HTML helper(从 HTML 帮助器中提取显示名称和描述属性)
                  C# Attributes and their uses(C# 属性及其用途)
                  C# - Getting all enums value by attribute(C# - 按属性获取所有枚举值)

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