
What happens to global variables declared in a DLL?(在 DLL 中声明的全局变量会发生什么?)
know if .lib is static or import(知道 .lib 是静态的还是导入的)
How do I build an import library (.lib) AND a DLL in Visual C++?(如何在 Visual C++ 中构建导入库 (.lib) 和 DLL?)
How can I use Standard Library (STL) classes in my dll interface or ABI?(如何在我的 dll 接口或 ABI 中使用标准库 (STL) 类?)
Exporting a C++ class from a DLL(从 DLL 导出 C++ 类)
C++ DLL Export: Decorated/Mangled names(C++ DLL 导出:修饰/损坏的名称)
Is a struct#39;s address the same as its first member#39;s address?(结构的地址是否与其第一个成员的地址相同?)
Why do you need to append an L or F after a value assigned to a C++ constant?(为什么需要在分配给 C++ 常量的值后附加 L 或 F?)
Storing a type in C++(在 C++ 中存储类型)
Ensuring C++ doubles are 64 bits(确保 C++ 双精度为 64 位)
What are the rules governing C++ single and double precision mixed calculations?(C++ 单精度和双精度混合计算的控制规则是什么?)
What is the return type of boost::bind?(boost::bind 的返回类型是什么?)