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    3. 如何重用 ostringstream?

      How to reuse an ostringstream?(如何重用 ostringstream?)

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                本文介绍了如何重用 ostringstream?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我想清除并重用一个 ostringstream(和底层缓冲区),这样我的应用程序就不必进行那么多的分配.如何将对象重置为其初始状态?

                I'd like to clear out and reuse an ostringstream (and the underlying buffer) so that my app doesn't have to do as many allocations. How do I reset the object to its initial state?


                我以前用过 clear 和 str 的序列:

                I've used a sequence of clear and str in the past:

                // clear, because eof or other bits may be still set. 


                Which has done the thing for both input and output stringstreams. Alternatively, you can manually clear, then seek the appropriate sequence to the begin:

                s.seekp(0); // for outputs: seek put ptr to start
                s.seekg(0); // for inputs: seek get ptr to start

                这将通过覆盖当前输出缓冲区中的任何内容来防止 str 进行一些重新分配.结果是这样的:

                That will prevent some reallocations done by str by overwriting whatever is in the output buffer currently instead. Results are like this:

                std::ostringstream s;
                s << "hello";
                s << "b";
                assert(s.str() == "bello");

                如果你想在 c 函数中使用字符串,你可以使用 std::ends,像这样放置一个终止空值:

                If you want to use the string for c-functions, you can use std::ends, putting a terminating null like this:

                std::ostringstream s;
                s << "hello";
                s << "b" << std::ends;
                assert(s.str().size() == 5 && std::strlen(s.str().data()) == 1);

                std::ends 是弃用的 std::strstream 的产物,它能够直接写入您在堆栈上分配的字符数组.您必须手动插入终止空值.但是,std::ends 并没有被弃用,我认为因为它在上述情况下仍然很有用.

                std::ends is a relict of the deprecated std::strstream, which was able to write directly to a char array you allocated on the stack. You had to insert a terminating null manually. However, std::ends is not deprecated, i think because it's still useful as in the above cases.

                这篇关于如何重用 ostringstream?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                What is the past-the-end iterator in STL C++?(STL C++ 中的最后迭代器是什么?)
                vector::at vs. vector::operator[](vector::at 与 vector::operator[])
                C++ equivalent of StringBuffer/StringBuilder?(C++ 等效于 StringBuffer/StringBuilder?)
                Adding types to the std namespace(将类型添加到 std 命名空间)
                Is the C++ std::set thread-safe?(C++ std::set 线程安全吗?)
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