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        多态 C++ 引用

        polymorphic C++ references(多态 C++ 引用)

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                  本文介绍了多态 C++ 引用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I was wondering how you can do polymorphism with references, as opposed to pointers.


                  To clarify, see the following minimal example:

                  class A;
                  class B {
                      A& a; ///////////////// <- #1
                      void doStuff();
                  class A {
                      virtual void doSmth() = 0;
                  void B::doStuff() {
                  class A1 : public A {
                      void doSmth() {
                  B::B() : a(
                      *        ////////////// <- #2
                        (new A1)  /////////// <- #3
                       ) {

                  这可以编译和工作,但这里最重要的一点是 #1 行中的 a 是一个引用,所以为了能够多态地使用它(这是一个实际的词吗?),如行 #3 所示,我必须将指针转换为引用";通过取消引用它.

                  This compiles and works, but as the most important point here is that a in line #1 is a reference, so in order to be able to use it polymorphically (is that an actual word?), as shown in line #3 I have to "convert a pointer to a reference" by dereferencing it.


                  This strikes me as a bit odd, and I was wondering if there is a better (in the sense of cleaner) way. Is it just me?

                  如果我根本不需要 new 那就太好了,但是在声明 (!) B 时,我不知道如何创建 A1 (!) as A 是前向声明 -- A1B 在同一编译单元中实现.尽管如此,在这种情况下是否真的需要动态内存分配?你会怎么做?

                  It would be great if I didn't need a new at all, but when declaring (!) B I have no clue how to create an instance of A1 (!) as A is a forward declaration -- A1 is implemented in the same compilation unit as B. Still, is there a real need for dynamic memory allocation in this case? How would you do this?


                  Sorry for the slightly twofold question.

                  注意:B 很大(我不能为它制作模板类),并且会在程序终止时精确地超出范围 -- a 很小并使两个大模块相互通信,只要 B 的实例存在(只有一个),就需要它.

                  Note: B is huge (and I cannot make a template class of it), and will go out of scope precisely when the program terminates -- a is small and makes two big modules talk to each other, it will be needed as long as the instance of B lives (there is only one).

                  我刚刚意识到,由于 AB 都是有效的单例,我可以简单地创建 A1 的 static 实例B的编译单元中,避免动态内存分配(即使有两个B也很容易使用A<的同一个实例/代码>).公平地说,我没有将此作为答案发布,但会接受促使我提出此解决方案的答案.

                  I just realised, that since both A and B are effectively singletons, I can simply create a static instance of A1 in the compilation unit of B, avoiding dynamic memory allocation (even if there were two Bs they could easily use the same instance of A). To be fair, I did not post this as answer, but will accept the answer that prompted me to come up with this solution.



                  There's nothing odd. Polymorphisms works both for pointers and references:

                  struct Base { };
                  struct Derived : Base;
                  void foo(Base &);
                  int main() {
                    Derived x;
                    foo(x);    // fine


                  You're conflating this with another issue, namely creating a reference to a dynamic object:

                  T * pt = new T;
                  T & rt = *pt;
                  T & x = *new T;  // same effect

                  请注意,通过引用跟踪动态对象通常是非常糟糕的风格,因为删除它的唯一方法是通过delete &x;,并且很难看出 x 需要清理.

                  Note that it's generally very bad style to track a dynamic object only by reference, because the only way to delete it is via delete &x;, and it's very hard to see that x needs cleaning up.

                  您的设计有两种直接的替代方法:1) 将 a 设为 B 中的成员对象,或 2) 将 a 设为 shared_ptrunique_ptr 并将初始化器更改为 a(new A1).这完全取决于您是否真的需要多态行为,即如果您有其他的 B 构造函数,它们将不同的派生类分配给 a 而不是 A1.

                  There are two immediate alternatives for your design: 1) make a a member object in B, or 2) make a a shared_ptr<A> or unique_ptr<A> and change the initalizer to a(new A1). It all depends on whether you actually need the polymorphic behaviour, i.e. if you have other constructors for B which assign a different derived class to a other than A1.

                  这篇关于多态 C++ 引用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  C++ stl unordered_map implementation, reference validity(C++ stl unordered_map 实现,参考有效性)
                  C++: Is it possible to use a reference as the value in a map?(C++:是否可以使用引用作为映射中的值?)
                  Where ampersand quot;amp;quot; can be put when passing argument by reference?(其中符号“amp;通过引用传递参数时可以放置吗?)
                  Why can a non-const reference parameter be bound to a temporary object?(为什么可以将非常量引用参数绑定到临时对象?)
                  What is a dangling reference?(什么是悬空引用?)
                  C++ reference changes when push_back new element to std::vector(当 push_back 新元素到 std::vector 时,C++ 引用发生变化)

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