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      1. Cuda 内核返回向量

        Cuda kernel returning vectors(Cuda 内核返回向量)
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                  本文介绍了Cuda 内核返回向量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I have a list of words, my goal is to match each word in a very very long phrase. I'm having no problem in matching each word, my only problem is to return a vector of structures containing informations about each match.


                  typedef struct {
                      int A, B, C; } Match;
                  __global__ void Find(veryLongPhrase * _phrase, Words * _word_list, vector<Match> * _matches)
                      int a, b, c;
                      [...] //Parallel search for each word in the phrase
                      if(match) //When an occurrence is found
                          _matches.push_back(new Match{ A = a, B = b, C = c }); //Here comes the unknown, what should I do here???
                      veryLongPhrase * myPhrase = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog etc etc etc..."
                      Words * wordList = {"the", "lazy"};
                      vector<Match> * matches; //Obviously I can't pass a vector to a kernel
                      Find<<< X, Y >>>(myPhrase, wordList, matches);

                  我已经尝试过 Thrust 库,但没有成功,你能给我建议任何类型的解决方案吗?

                  I have tried Thrust library but without any success, can you suggest me any kind of solution?




                  something like this should work (coded in browser, not tested):

                  // N is the maximum number of structs to insert
                  #define N 10000
                  typedef struct {
                      int A, B, C; } Match;
                  __device__ Match dev_data[N];
                  __device__ int dev_count = 0;
                  __device__ int my_push_back(Match * mt) {
                    int insert_pt = atomicAdd(&dev_count, 1);
                    if (insert_pt < N){
                      dev_data[insert_pt] = *mt;
                      return insert_pt;}
                    else return -1;}
                  __global__ void Find(veryLongPhrase * _phrase, Words * _word_list, vector<Match> * _matches)
                      int a, b, c;
                      [...] //Parallel search for each word in the phrase
                      if(match) //When an occurrence is found
                          my_push_back(new Match{ A = a, B = b, C = c });    }
                      veryLongPhrase * myPhrase = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog etc etc etc..."
                      Words * wordList = {"the", "lazy"};
                      Find<<< X, Y >>>(myPhrase, wordList);
                      int dsize;
                      cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(&dsize, dev_count, sizeof(int));
                      vector<Match> results(dsize);
                      cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(&(results[0]), dev_data, dsize*sizeof(Match));

                  这将需要原子操作的计算能力 1.1 或更高.

                  This will require compute capability 1.1 or better for the atomic operation.

                  nvcc -arch=sm_11 ...


                  $ cat t347.cu
                  #include <iostream>
                  #include <vector>
                  // N is the maximum number of structs to insert
                  #define N 10000
                  typedef struct {
                      int A, B, C; } Match;
                  __device__ Match dev_data[N];
                  __device__ int dev_count = 0;
                  __device__ int my_push_back(Match & mt) {
                    int insert_pt = atomicAdd(&dev_count, 1);
                    if (insert_pt < N){
                      dev_data[insert_pt] = mt;
                      return insert_pt;}
                    else return -1;}
                  __global__ void Find()
                      if(threadIdx.x < 10) //Simulate a found occurrence
                          Match a = { .A = 1, .B = 2, .C = 3 };
                          my_push_back(a);    }
                      Find<<< 2, 256 >>>();
                      int dsize;
                      cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(&dsize, dev_count, sizeof(int));
                      if (dsize >= N) {printf("overflow error
                  "); return 1;}
                      std::vector<Match> results(dsize);
                      cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(&(results[0]), dev_data, dsize*sizeof(Match));
                      std::cout << "number of matches = " << dsize << std::endl;
                      std::cout << "A  =  " << results[dsize-1].A << std:: endl;
                      std::cout << "B  =  " << results[dsize-1].B << std:: endl;
                      std::cout << "C  =  " << results[dsize-1].C << std:: endl;
                  $ nvcc -arch=sm_11 -o t347 t347.cu
                  $ ./t347
                  number of matches = 20
                  A  =  1
                  B  =  2
                  C  =  3


                  Note that in this case my Match result struct creation is different, and I am passing by reference, but the concept is the same.

                  这篇关于Cuda 内核返回向量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Constructor initialization Vs assignment(构造函数初始化 Vs 赋值)
                  Is a `=default` move constructor equivalent to a member-wise move constructor?(`=default` 移动构造函数是否等同于成员移动构造函数?)
                  Has the new C++11 member initialization feature at declaration made initialization lists obsolete?(声明时新的 C++11 成员初始化功能是否使初始化列表过时了?)
                  Order of constructor call in virtual inheritance(虚继承中构造函数调用的顺序)
                  How to use sfinae for selecting constructors?(如何使用 sfinae 选择构造函数?)
                  Initializing a union with a non-trivial constructor(使用非平凡的构造函数初始化联合)

                  <i id='x0m4C'><tr id='x0m4C'><dt id='x0m4C'><q id='x0m4C'><span id='x0m4C'><b id='x0m4C'><form id='x0m4C'><ins id='x0m4C'></ins><ul id='x0m4C'></ul><sub id='x0m4C'></sub></form><legend id='x0m4C'></legend><bdo id='x0m4C'><pre id='x0m4C'><center id='x0m4C'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='x0m4C'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='x0m4C'><tfoot id='x0m4C'></tfoot><dl id='x0m4C'><fieldset id='x0m4C'></fieldset></dl></div>
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