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        Is it possible to pass derived classes by reference to a function taking base class as a parameter(是否可以通过引用以基类为参数的函数来传递派生类)

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                  假设我们有一个带有纯虚方法(一个接口)的抽象基类 IBase.

                  Say we have an abstract base class IBase with pure virtual methods (an interface).


                  Then we derive CFoo, CFoo2 from the base class.

                  我们有一个知道如何使用 IBase 的函数.

                  And we have a function that knows how to work with IBase.

                  Foo(IBase *input);


                  The usual scenario in these cases is like this:

                  IBase *ptr = static_cast<IBase*>(new CFoo("abc"));
                  delete ptr;


                  But pointer management is better to be avoided, so is there a way to use references in such scenario?

                  CFoo inst("abc");

                  其中 Foo 是:

                  Foo(IBase &input);



                  Yes. You don't have to upcast your objects. All references/pointers to derived types are converted implicitly to base objects references/pointers when necessary.


                  IBase* ptr = new CFoo("abc"); // good
                  CFoo* ptr2 = static_cast<CFoo*>(ptr); // good
                  CFoo* ptr3 = ptr; // compile error
                  CFoo instance("abc");
                  IBase& ref = instance; // good
                  CFoo& ref2 = static_cast<CFoo&>(ref); // good
                  CFoo& ref3 = ref; // compile error

                  当您不得不向下转型时,如果您的类型是多态的,您可能需要考虑使用 dynamic_cast.

                  When you have to downcast you may want to consider using dynamic_cast, if your types are polymorphic.




                  Constructor initialization Vs assignment(构造函数初始化 Vs 赋值)
                  Is a `=default` move constructor equivalent to a member-wise move constructor?(`=default` 移动构造函数是否等同于成员移动构造函数?)
                  Has the new C++11 member initialization feature at declaration made initialization lists obsolete?(声明时新的 C++11 成员初始化功能是否使初始化列表过时了?)
                  Order of constructor call in virtual inheritance(虚继承中构造函数调用的顺序)
                  How to use sfinae for selecting constructors?(如何使用 sfinae 选择构造函数?)
                  Initializing a union with a non-trivial constructor(使用非平凡的构造函数初始化联合)

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