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      Casting a large number type to a smaller type(将大量类型转换为较小类型)
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              1. 本文介绍了将大量类型转换为较小类型的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I've had a good look around and can't find a similar question so apologies if it has been asked before.

                我只是在玩弄类型和数字,我想知道是否可以保证以下行为.如果我将 2 个变量声明为

                I'm just playing around with types and numbers and I am wondering if the following behaviour can be guaranteed. If I declare 2 variables as

                unsigned char BIT_8 = 0;
                unsigned short int BIT_16 = 0xFF01;

                然后执行以下操作(暂时忽略 C 样式转换,除非这会影响它?)

                and then do the following (ignoring C style cast for now, unless that can affect it?)

                cout << "BIT_16: " << BIT_16 << "
                cout << "BIT_8: " << (int)BIT_8 << "
                BIT_8 = BIT_16;
                cout << "BIT_8 after: " << (int)BIT_8 << "
                BIT_8 = BIT_16 >> 8;
                cout << "BIT_8 after shift: " << (int)BIT_8 << "


                BIT_16: 65281
                BIT_8: 0
                BIT_8 after: 1
                BIT_8 after shift: 255

                是否保证如果我将 16 位类型转换为 8 位类型会丢失前导字节?还是未定义,上面的结果是运气?

                Is it guaranteed that if I cast a 16 bit type to an 8 bit type that the leading byte will be lost? or is it undefined and the above results are luck?


                是否保证将 16 位类型转换为 8 位类型会丢失前导字节?

                Is it guaranteed that if I cast a 16 bit type to an 8 bit type that the leading byte will be lost?

                取决于您使用的是有符号类型还是无符号类型(请参阅第 4.7 节 §2 和 §3):

                Depends on whether you are working with signed or unsigned types (see section 4.7 §2 and §3):

                如果目标类型是无符号,则结果值是与源整数一致的最小无符号整数(模 2^n,其中 n 是用于表示无符号类型的位数).[注意:在二进制补码表示中,这种转换是概念性的,位模式没有变化(如果没有截断).]

                If the destination type is unsigned, the resulting value is the least unsigned integer congruent to the source integer (modulo 2^n where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned type). [Note: In a two's complement representation, this conversion is conceptual and there is no change in the bit pattern (if there is no truncation).]


                If the destination type is signed, the value is unchanged if it can be represented in the destination type (and bit-field width); otherwise, the value is implementation-defined.


                Since you are working with unsigned types, the behavior is well-specified.




                What is inside .lib file of Static library, Statically linked dynamic library and dynamically linked dynamic library?(静态库、静态链接动态库和动态链接动态库的 .lib 文件里面是什么?)
                How do I load a C DLL from the SXS in Python?(如何从 Python 中的 SXS 加载 C DLL?)
                Can Cython code be compiled to a dll so C++ application can call it?(Cython 代码可以编译成 dll 以便 C++ 应用程序可以调用它吗?)
                Delay Loading DLLs(延迟加载 DLL)
                Throwing C++ exceptions across DLL boundaries(跨 DLL 边界抛出 C++ 异常)
                Loading a dll from a dll?(从 dll 加载 dll?)
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