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        在 CMake 中,如何测试编译器是否为 Clang?

        In CMake, how can I test if the compiler is Clang?(在 CMake 中,如何测试编译器是否为 Clang?)
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                  本文介绍了在 CMake 中,如何测试编译器是否为 Clang?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我们有一套跨平台CMake 构建脚本,我们支持使用 Visual C++ 和 GCC.

                  We have a set of cross-platform CMake build scripts, and we support building with Visual C++ and GCC.

                  我们正在尝试 Clang,但我不知道如何测试编译器是带有我们 CMake 脚本的 Clang.

                  We're trying out Clang, but I can't figure out how to test whether or not the compiler is Clang with our CMake script.

                  我应该测试什么来查看编译器是否是 Clang?我们目前正在使用 MSVCCMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNU 分别测试 Visual C++ 和 GCC.

                  What should I test to see if the compiler is Clang or not? We're currently using MSVC and CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNU<LANG> to test for Visual C++ and GCC, respectively.


                  一个可靠的检查是使用 CMAKE__COMPILER_ID 变量.例如,检查 C++ 编译器:

                  A reliable check is to use the CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID variables. E.g., to check the C++ compiler:

                  if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang")
                    # using Clang
                  elseif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU")
                    # using GCC
                  elseif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel")
                    # using Intel C++
                  elseif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC")
                    # using Visual Studio C++

                  如果使用像 ccache 这样的编译器包装器,这些也能正常工作.

                  These also work correctly if a compiler wrapper like ccache is used.

                  从 CMake 3.0.0 开始,Apple 提供的 Clang 的 CMAKE__COMPILER_ID 值现在是 AppleClang.要同时测试 Apple 提供的 Clang 和常规 Clang,请使用以下 if 条件:

                  As of CMake 3.0.0 the CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID value for Apple-provided Clang is now AppleClang. To test for both the Apple-provided Clang and the regular Clang use the following if condition:

                  if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")
                    # using regular Clang or AppleClang

                  另请参阅 AppleClang 政策说明.

                  CMake 3.15 增加了对 clang-cl 和常规的 clang 前端.您可以通过检查变量 CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_FRONTEND_VARIANT 来确定前端变体:

                  CMake 3.15 has added support for both the clang-cl and the regular clang front end. You can determine the front end variant by inspecting the variable CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_FRONTEND_VARIANT:

                  if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang")
                      # using clang with clang-cl front end
                      # using clang with regular front end

                  这篇关于在 CMake 中,如何测试编译器是否为 Clang?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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