
Why is #39;True == not False#39; a syntax error in Python?(为什么True == not False是Python中的语法错误?)
Python AND operator on two boolean lists - how?(两个布尔列表上的 Python AND 运算符 - 如何?)
python quot;orquot; operator weird behavior(蟒蛇“或操作员奇怪的行为)
double equals vs is in python(双等于vs在python中)
SQLAlchemy: unexpected results when using `and` and `or`(SQLAlchemy:使用“and和“or时出现意外结果)
Python#39;s in (__contains__) operator returns a bool whose value is neither True nor False(Python 的 in (__contains__) 运算符返回一个布尔值,其值既不是 True 也不是 False)
Why is bool a subclass of int?(为什么 bool 是 int 的子类?)
What#39;s the difference between (1,) and (1) in Python(Python中的(1,)和(1)有什么区别)
Even though tuples are immutable, they are stored in different addresses in interactive mode. Why?(尽管元组是不可变的,但它们以交互模式存储在不同的地址中.为什么?)
Is it possible to unpack a tuple without using variables?(是否可以在不使用变量的情况下解包元组?)
Python can#39;t define tuples in a function(Python 不能在函数中定义元组)
Repeat a tuple inside a tuple(在一个元组内重复一个元组)