
How can I decrypt password string in PHP which was encrypted with crypt?(如何解密用 crypt 加密的 PHP 中的密码字符串?)
How do you generate cryptographically secure random numbers with PHP?(如何使用 PHP 生成密码安全的随机数?)
How to make TLS connection from PHP in web server, and safely(如何在 Web 服务器中安全地从 PHP 建立 TLS 连接)
replace rand() with openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()(用 openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() 替换 rand())
Could a random sleep prevent timing attacks?(随机睡眠可以防止定时攻击吗?)
TRIPLE DES encryption/decryption using php(使用 php 进行三重 DES 加密/解密)
C# SHA-1 vs. PHP SHA-1...Different Results?(C# SHA-1 与 PHP SHA-1 ...不同的结果?)
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?(如何在 PHP 中使用 bcrypt 对密码进行哈希处理?)
Multiple User Models Laravel JWT Auth(多用户模型 Laravel JWT Auth)
How to get Bearer token from a request in Laravel(如何从 Laravel 的请求中获取 Bearer 令牌)
I don#39;t understand JWT refresh token#39;s behaviour (LARAVEL)(我不明白 JWT 刷新令牌的行为 (LARAVEL))
Laravel JWT tokens are Invalid after refresh them in a authentication JWT approach(Laravel JWT 令牌在身份验证 JWT 方法中刷新后无效)